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Chapter 9: I'm what you need

Its nearly three o clock in the afternoon and instead of doing anything productive, Lucy and I are sitting in front of the t.v. eating junk food. Once Klaus had gone, we went to the grocery store and got ice cream, root beer, licorice and chips. It seemed my cousin thought that after my break from Damon that I would need all of the essentials to help me get through it. But really, I think I was just numb to it all right now.

I didn't feel nearly as bad or sad as I would imagine I would feel after a big fight with someone I cared about. Instead a I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. If we could patch things up in time that would be great, if not then at least I knew that I wasn't to blame and I could move on from that.

Currently we're lounging on her couch while reality t.v. played in the background.

"So what are you gonna do?" Lucy asks just as a I stuff my mouth with licorice.

After chewing I swallow and look over at her. "About what?"

Lucy grabs the bag of chips and starts opening it. "I don't know Bon, about the fact that some no name person knocked you on the back of the head," Lucy says irate. "The vampire who is supposed to be guarding you looks scared as all hell." She tosses a look out the window and then motions for me to look as well. Josh did look a bit frightened, but then again he worked for Klaus, he was probably scared every single second. It was well known Klaus had a notorious temper.

She lets out a sigh and then turns back to me. " Or we could talk about the hybrid who wants to date you or the best friend who just flipped the switch on you." Lucy says exasperated. "You pick one."

I bring my feet underneath me. Anger rises quick at the mention of what had occurred the night before. I hated feeling weak and that was what being knocked out had made me feel. I hadn't been knocked out in a long time and the fact that it happen in general pissed me off. "How in the world had someone gotten the jump on me?" I wondered aloud. "I'm at the most power I've ever had and someone was able to attack me. "I'm strong, my magic is at it's peak."

Lucy nods thoughtfully. "Maybe, but you're not in M.F. anymore, someone could easily be stronger than you." Pause. "This place is the heart of magic and maybe, someone stronger came along."

I mull over her words, she's right, but it still bothers me. "All I know is that, I'm not leaving here until I find out who knocked me out and why." I admit determined.

My cousin looks pleased by my words. "When we find them, they will know better than to attack a Bennett witch." She says with a promise in her voice. I'm touched by her words. "How do you feel, really?"

I lean over. "I feel embarrassed. But mostly, I feel fine physically." Pause. "Klaus gave me some of his blood." I say in a rush. It's clear by the look on my her face that Lucy had put two and two together.

Lucy nearly drops the bag of chips she had opened. "So now he's giving you blood and the D." Lucy muses. "I'm all for you getting it in, but be careful when it comes to blood, bonds form and next thing you know, you're supernaturally married."

The sharp look I send her only causes Lucy to tilt her head as she says I'm just saying.

"He only gave me his blood because my head was hurting, I don't plan to make it a habit."

"And?" Lucy asks with a brow raised.

Gotta love Lucy. "I'm good! I'm alive and that's all that really matters." I let a smile flit to my lips. " Between the two of us and Klaus, I think we can find who did this. Besides, I heard Klaus screaming into his phone, he's out for blood."

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