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A bottle of bourbon rest in front of us as we each take turns pouring ourselves a much needed drink. I would do anything to cut the tension that had settled upon us once Lucy had proclaimed that Klaus had wanted another taste. It was just the fact that she had said it in front of Damon that was making me nervous.

"I still can't quite get over what I saw, " Lucy says picking at her dessert. "You should've seen them Damon." Lucy says fanning herself. "I have never seen anything hotter, like ever." She says eyeing me. "I thought they were about to throw down right in front of me."

I could feel my face and the rest of me heat up at her words. Oh if she only knew how close we were to throwing down, going down, doing it all. Instead of saying anything I make sure to cross my legs and look unaffected.

"You were flirting with Klaus?" Damon asks, eyes wild and crazy.

Under his gaze I start to fugit. "Define flirting?"

Damon only groans. "Bonnie." He says his voice cold as steel.

"No!" I say instantly causing Lucy to give me a sideways look and Damon to look pleased.

In the end I couldn't lie about it. "Okay, maybe I was flirting with him a little bit- but it's harmless." I say causing Lucy to snort and Damon to nearly turn to stone at my words. "I probably flirt with you more than I ever flirted with him." I call causing the temperature to thaw out a bit.

Suddenly Lucy is choking all the while the words bullshit is loud and clear.

I glare while she grins.

"I am handsome." Damon says swinging his arm around my chair, thus bringing me closer. "And we look a heck of a lot better than you and him." He says making a face. "Quick question, it's the end of the world and you have to procreate to have new life, you have two choices, me and my dark hair, azure eyes and awesomeness, or–"

I know where this is heading and immediately decided to stop it. First off the end of the world scenario thing would never happen. Secondly I was the furthest from a girl who would have both Damon and Klaus vying for my attention. That was reserved for anyone but me. The only reason why it seemed like that now, was because of Klaus. As for Damon, he got super jealous whenever he ever heard about me so much as laying eyes on another guy.

Lucy coughs causing the two us to look her way. "Don't you have a girlfriend?" She says causing Damon to nearly snarl at her. I'm ready to end this thing before it begins but Lucy only arches her brow.

"It's complicated." Damon says gloomily.

At his words I look over to Lucy who seems pleased. "Let me simplify it for you, you can't keep Bonnie locked away for yourself. If she wants to do Klaus or any one else till the world stops, it's her prerogative."

Damn. I didn't expect Lucy to lay it out like that, but she was right.

He licks his teeth. "What about you Lucy?" Damon says leaning forward.

Lucy grins. "Happily single, however the plans I have for Elijah are boyfriend worthy."

I don't know who shuddered first me or Damon.

"And since Bonnie is single, I say you have as much fun as you want, and lets be honest whatever happen between you and Klaus was fun," she pauses to grin. "Because you're still blushing and he came back for more."

A small smile slips onto my lips as I realize that Lucy is right. When I look up Damon is watching me.


After Lucy had dropped her truth bomb. Damon and I had been in a weird place. I knew he disapproved at everything Klaus related. In some ways I found it ridiculous, he banged the love of his brothers life ten seconds after the breakup. Yet the mention of me and Klaus was too scandalous for him to bare.

Walk of shame [klonnie]Where stories live. Discover now