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Chapter 12: Its not a figment of your imagination


It was the motivation in the lives of many. Those in love were in love, and it could be spectacular or it could hurt. While others were still looking for love. Some were scorned and looking for revenge because of love. Others were heartbroken and left to felt like a piece of themselves was literally ripped apart. A broken heart was always hard to get over. And for a few, love was blossoming from the depths of the unknown.

Had she not seen it with her own two eyes, she would have laughed in the face of anyone who had fixed their mouths to say that Klaus Mikaelson had felt a sliver of affection for anyone outside of his inner circle. However, the events of today had proved her wrong. He seemed to have a great deal of affection for one more person, and to top it off it was a Bennett witch.

And that was a problem because it seemed the girl may return his affections.

Sitting back she looks at the dollhouse which resembles the Mikaelson home. She has everyone within his inner circle, painted to perfection as 12 inch dolls. Her almond eyes look over each dool. Rebekah with her blond hair, standing next to Marcel and his perfect smile. Next comes Elijah, who is back to wearing his suits because that is who Elijah Mikaelson is, a man that hides behind his suits as his armor, and his loyalty to his siblings for his negligence. Next is Klaus with his rage simmering below the surface. One eye is painted blue while the other is painted a yellow color to resemble the beast and vampire that he is. Close by is Hope, she is the only shred of light that man, and his family has going for them.

Observing the Mikaelson family for only mere more seconds she turns her head to the last doll remaining. Finally she picks up the doll resembling Bonnie Bennett. She hadn't planned too much for Bonnie simply because Klaus would ruin that situation all by himself. Plus her partner had plans for the Bennett witch. However as she looked at those green eyes all she could think about was how much Klaus seemed to adore her. That of course meant, if she had to go through Bonnie to get to Klaus, she would.

She'd hurt him, just like he hurt her. He took her away from the one she loved and now she would do the same to the one he was falling in love with.



You would think that after some random dude had come along sprouting off about challenging the supernatural here, people would be on edge. Yet that seemed to be a non factor. Instead after Vincent had spoken remaining words to end the meeting everyone prepares to head over to his house for food and drinks. It's back to business as usual. Nothing could bring the people of this place down, they were fighters and I could relate to that.

It was remarkable how we all just kind of came together when a threat was near. It didn't seem to matter that most of these people were arguing days ago, hours, or minutes ago. The supernatural of NOLA did not come to play, and that's what I loved about this place.

Arms linked together Lucy and I head toward the car but not before passing Klaus, Elijah, Gloria and Vincent who were in deep conversation. When we walk near them, the conversation comes to a halt, as Klaus and I share one long look. His eyes are still amber, showing no signs of blue. My lips curl up in a close mouth smile as Vincent turns to Lucy and I.

"Come on yall, I'll walk you to the car." Vincent says holding out both of his arms, one for to take.

Not surprisingly we take his arm and walk out of the meeting hall.

All the way out the door I feel amber eyes on me.



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