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After the catastrophe that was the argument between Damon and I, I was grateful that the original family, were at least comical. The interaction that they shared had never been seen before, at least by me.

Watching the family together, was odd and a bit fascinating to realize that although they were the oldest vampires ever, they were just about as human as the rest of us were . . . well except for the fact that they drank blood. But aside from that it was just two brothers and a sister living together, or at least trying to and not kill each other while at it.

Currently I was sitting in the vast living room still wearing Klaus shirt from the night before. Rebekah had been reading a magazine and Klaus had been texting furiously. When he growled again, Rebekah had nearly thrown her magazine down.

"Why don't you just call whoever you're threatening." The blond bombshell says. "Your threats are always much more potent when they can hear how close you are to start breaking necks and ripping hearts out."

I look over at her as we share a knowing look, because well it's true. I couldn't imagine a threatening text from Klaus like it probably wouldn't read well.

To get the full angry Klaus effect, you had to see his face turned a shade of red, watch the veins in his neck start to throb and finally hear his notorious scream. Other notable mentions would be to hear him talk rather fast and walk even faster.

Klaus places his cell phone in his pocket. "Who says I was threatening anyone?"

Rebekah eyes him. "Your cell phone." She says dryly. "You can leave the two of us alone, I won't bite her." Rebekah says while picking up her tea cup.

Klaus looks to me and I motion for him to go ahead and do whatever it is he was doing, which was probably threatening someone. "I'll be fine." I say shooing him away.

He stands now and looks between the two of us. He's calculating as the wheels all but turn. "Don't kill each other."

He then looks to me, his eyes telling me everything I needed to know. Next thing I know, he's grabbed my hand and thrust me toward him. He looks at me, looks into my eyes as I do the same. And then he plants a kiss to the side of my lips.

When he finally disappears I let out a breath I hadn't even realize I had been holding. Turning around I catch sight of Rebekah who is looking at me thoroughly.

She waits all of five seconds before speaking.

"You and I, we need to talk." She says determined. "Alone."



Elijah Mikaelson walked out of the shower and stood in front of his closet. A closet that was filled with various suits in different shades of black, grey and brown. It all looked so boring now, especially after tasting what it felt like to be without self made restrains. Originally he had worn suits because it was his armor of a sort, it was a way to keep the real him buried down, it was also a way to protect himself. Now though, after witnessing the carefree aloofness that was Lucy Bennett, the thought of putting on a suit especially in this weather was tiresome.

He would in fact have to ask Rebekah to accompany him on a shopping trip in the near future because he refused to go back to the boring Elijah of the day before. He could only hope that his sister didn't take all day. In the meantime, Klaus had a host of jeans that were brand new, surly his brother could spare a pair for the day.

Freshly out of the shower, he pads over to the mirror. He had always been the type to zip out, of the house sparing the mirror little to no glance. But after last night, when Lucy Bennett had looked at him with eyes that nearly made him blush, he for the first time in a long time took a good look at himself. His hair had grown longer than it had before. Which was a vast improvement to the shorter do he had sported while in M.F.. Marcel had convinced him to try this new look where the top of hair was much longer and the sides were shaved. It worked, he preferred this look, it even looked good with all of his armor- er his suits.

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