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Chapter 11: The mess of it all

Despite everything that could and probably would go wrong with this thing with Klaus I felt happy, excited even. That was probably why when he caught up to me, and later anchored us together by clasping his hands behind by back, instead of running I just stood toe to toe with him.

"You do know, I enjoy the chase," He grins wickedly my way. "Be the mouse to my cat and I'll gobble you up."

I bite back a grin. "I'm not impressed."

"You were the last time I gobbled you up." He says showing off his dimples.

"Stop it." Now I can't even hide my grin. Or the fact that my heart is racing.

"Shall I remind you yet again, I have a wicked t..."

I place my hand over his mouth to stop whatever filthy thing that is sure tumble out of his mouth. That mouth.

"Do you feel that?" I ask suddenly removing my hand from his mouth. Klaus only raises his full lips to form a smirk. I catch eyes with him which has him raising a brow all Elijah style but so much freaking better. When Klaus raises his brow up, its like he's saying if you show me yours, I'll show you mine. Goodness I needed to get a grip and focus.

"Would you like to feel it love?" He asks suddenly suave as can be, and if I didn't feel like shit was about to hit the fan I would do so much more than just feel it. My mouth was suddenly dry.

I let out a calming breath because he seemed to make my hormones want to take front seat and everything else could wait till later. "Klaus, you're a hybrid, I need you to use those skills instead of the ones you use to get me naked."

He smirks but soon the smirk melts from his face.

"Something's wrong," I say as the feeling grows inside of me. Angst is all around and not the kind based on unrequited love, or love in general. "I feel anger, malice, confusion, conflicting emotions."

He nods his head. "I feel it too, it's dark."

"What do you hear?" I ask once we've established some space.

His ears twitch as he continues to listen for clues. "Someone has a death wish, they've come to challenge the supernatural of New Orleans."

The snarl that is on his lips is one to not be forgotten. Whomever was dumb enough to challenge the supernatural here, obviously had a death wish because by one look I could tell Klaus was itching for a battle.

Inwardly I groaned. Where had fighting ever gotten anyone, aside from me dead. I was not dying today so whatever this was, needed to end with me very much alive.

Just as we're poised to move forward, a loud gasp is heard from the side. My suddenly shot nerves have my jumping at the mere sound. Heart pounding, It's then I notice Damon is slumped over rubbing his neck.

"What happened to you?" I ask my eyes accessing him. He's got a hint of glare going on but we're in weird space anyway. He seems to be okay from the looks of it.

Damon glares at Klaus and steps forward. "He snapped my neck."

Klaus chuckles. "I can do it again if you like." Klaus says moving closer with me in the middle.

I roll my eyes. "We don't have time for this, get it together because something is going down and we need to get inside."

"You're absolutely right love." Klaus says from behind me.

"Yeah," Damon say still looking behind me at Klaus.

I move from between the two of them because I was not down for a Bonnie sandwich. "So we go in and try to defuse the situation." I say causing to pairs of eyes to look my way if only for a few seconds.

Walk of shame [klonnie]Where stories live. Discover now