Safe in your arms

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Why hello there! I wanted this to come out yesterday but I have school to study for and only have very little time in my freetime so I'll mostly edit this fanfic on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays so yeahhh

Again, criticism is okay because it'll help me improve. And I do not own the artwork, characters or the manga. The fanarts are from fans I've found on Pinterest or on Twitter please tell me their user so I can credit them, thank you very much if you do. The characters are from a manga (also has an anime) named Bungou Stray Dogs, you can read/watch it. I prefer the manga tho, the bonds there are more obvious and it also displays more emotion than the anime. Not saying the anime is bad but.. studio bones has left out ALOT of important scenes, made me misunderstand yosano's ability, put some pretty useless scenes that were never there in the manga and didn't display some relationships/bonds (platonic or not) correctly. No hate to it tho, I like the comedy it has in it's "useless scenes" I just think it's unfair considering the other mangas studio bones has animated. Alright enough of that! Let's get to the story. Enjoy~


A few hours later, chuuya woke up from his deep slumber and didn't even mind that he was cuddling dazai. He found their position quite comfortable, dazai wouldn't argue with that.

"Are you ready to explain chuuya?"

He called chuuya chuu or chuuya if he was being serious or sincere. Chuuya was taken aback because of what dazai called him. Normally he'd tease chuuya about what happened or call him pet names. It seems dazai understood way quicker than he probably should have.

"I guess?"

He said it sort of confused. It was like he himself didn't know.

"Take your time"

"Well.. now that I've gotten some sleep, I really don't remember alot of stuff. When I saw that scene, I just felt like the situation was all too farmiliar and close to one of my memories and that's how I remembered it, thankfully I've forgotten it again. That memory wasn't really.. pretty."

"I see.. about your past, is it?"


"I thought you stopped getting those horrible memories.. let's stay back from watching horror movies or movies that may trigger that again okay? I don't like seeing you like that. You looked scared and very vulnerable. I don't like seeing you like that chuuya."

"Did you just overanalyze the situation?---"

"Yes but don't change the topic."

"Well.. I never stopped getting those horrible memories I guess it stopped when I was with you when we were 11-12 years old but when we left there were alot of scenes from movies and even in real life that I'd witness Infront of my own eyes and find it farmiliar. All I wanted to do when it happened was to run away or hug someone hoping they'd comfort me in a way.. I never told my family especially Kouyou and My dad.. Verlaine. They'd be very worried I know it's wrong to keep this from them but I wouldn't wanna burden them more. They have their work and have alot of stress I would not wanna add to that."

"I see.. chuuya, you trust me right?"

"Yeah, why the sudden question tho?"

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