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helloo!! This is the third chapter for "Soukoku Highschool AU" Hope you'll enjoy! I don't have much to say lol- I'm really tired today so don't expect much (⁠*⁠﹏⁠*⁠;⁠) I do not own the art in the cover or the one above these texts. All credits go to the rightful owner.

Again, criticism is allowed! It helps me improve on this fanfic and many more in the future. Please correct me for any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes, thank you<3

It was already the next day and Chuuya didn't feel like going to school but it was going to be his second day and he wanted to try a streak where he wouldn't have absences. Chuuya did the usual stuff, took a shower, changed, ate, brushed his teeth, made sure everything was in his bag and that he didn't forget anything and double checked to see if he's done everything. But unlike his first day, he didn't go directly to school, he waited outside dazai's front door.

Stupid Mackerel

Hey you idiot what's taking so long?

What do you mean chuuya?
Oh my god you're outside
Let me get ready hold on

You're not even ready yet!?
So irresponsible.
I thought your uncle might've woken you up.

30 minutes later

I'm done chibi! Coming downstairs now
Did I take too long for your liking? Answer meeee
Look at your phone!!

Oh you're finally done. Get your ass down here
Yeah you definitely took too long that was like close to an hour dumbass.


"Chibi!! I'm here~ sorry I took so long.."

"You better be sorry. Come on, I was planning to be early but I had to wait for your slow ass."

"You could have told me you were gonna wait for me! I would have gotten ready. I can't keep someone like you waiting you know!" dazai said whining

"Geez. I thought you would atleast get up early to get ready, guess I was wrong. You're lucky it's only 6:40 right now. If it was anything above 8:30 I would have killed you."

"Guess chibi doesn't like being late huh? I'll keep that in mind."

"Next time I shouldn't wait for yo-"

"No, wait for me chuuya. I'll get ready and wake up earlier I promise. Maybe I'll even be the one to be waiting for you, don't give up on waiting for me just yet. You've waited four years chuuya. You can't give up now." this time, dazai was serious and Chuuya could tell from the change of his voice.

"Yeah you're right.. alright then."


"You act like a child."

"Chibiii that's mean ! ~"

"I don't care."

"Sure you don't. Come on, let's go to school so you won't get anymore grumpier."

"Yeah yeah sure."

We both walked to school and on the way I found an adorable puppy, I stopped to feed it since I had some food in my bag.

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