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Today was a reselection of the student council members. The members didn't have to run for it, the students just voted. Obviously, chuuya voted ranpo for the president because he didn't want "dazai's attention to be taken from him again". Most of the students voted for ranpo, including dazai. Ranpo won as student council president, now it was time to vote for the student council vice president. Some people voted for dazai ( chuuya obviously didn't. ) Some voted for Kenji, some voted for yosano and some voted for Kunikida. Kunikida won as vice president, all that's left to do is pick the remaining 5 members. Dazai, Atsushi, Kenji, Kyouka and Tanizaki got voted for that. ( Yes most of them r in different grades but like this is for the whole school so ) Everyone was happy with the elections.

"We should celebrate, come on dazai and chuuya!" Naomi said happily. "Why me? I'm not apart of it it-" "Yeah but you're dazai's boyfriend and you're our friend and you're Kyouka's brother, we have many reasons for you to come." Naomi said it with a sweet smiles but it looked more threatening than sweet. Chuuya smiled awkwardly and just nodded. "Ice cream?" Kyouka suggested, "What about donuts?" Ranpo suggested, "Or a fast food restaurant?" Tanizaki suggested. "So many recommendations, what do we choose?" Atsushi's face lit up as he had an idea in mind. "What about we go to that fast food restaurant tanizaki-san is talking about, then we can have dessert at a donut and ice cream place, so that it's all fair for everyone!" Everyone agreed and nodded, it was a good plan so that no one would be left grumpy because their suggestion wasn't taken. "Alright so let me see... Chuuya will be coming, Akutagawa will be coming, Poe will be coming, Tachihara will be coming.. andddd that's all the people that will be coming to our celebration that aren't apart of student council, I'm included aswell of course!" Naomi said enthusiastically. Everyone nodded and they all went to that restaurant, they sat down at a big table. Dazai sat next to chuuya, chuuya sat down next to kyouka, kyouka sat down next to Kenji, Kenji sat down next to tachihara, tachihara sat down next to tanizaki, tanizaki sat down next to Naomi, Naomi sat down next to ranpo, ranpo sat down next to Poe, Poe sat down next to atsushi and atsushi sat next to akutagawa. ( See what I did there? )

They were all just talking while waiting for their food. "Do you like my new bunny keychain Kenji? It's holding a carrot." Kyouka says while showing Kenji her bunny keychain and Kenji looks at it happily. Chuuya chuckles at the both of them. "Yes, it's cute! I like it." "Ranpo-san, do you think this novel I wrote is great? It's for you to solve.." Poe said in a quiet voice, ranpo read his novel in a short amount of time. "Yeah, it's great, ____ is the murderer and _____ was the accomplice. I can't believe how the private investigators there couldn't figure that out." Finally, their food arrived and they all ate it happily and gratefully. "Wow this actually tastes amazing." Tachihara said while tasting the food and the rest agreed. "Yeah, I know right? It's literally delicious!" Tanizaki said happily "I could eat this forever!" Naomi agreed with the both of them. They all finished their food and we're now walking to a dessert shop, they sat down at a table and ate their donuts and ice cream, some got iced coffee and Kenji and kyouka had juice, tanizaki being the icon he is, he got milktea.

They all really enjoyed their day. "Thanks alot for today and thanks for bringing me along." Chuuya says while thanking Naomi and the others. Naomi smiled sweetly at him. "No problem! We should all hang out like this again." Atsushi nodded, "Yeah, it's so fun hanging out with you guys and eating together!" Atsushi said happily. "I don't like social gatherings but I actually liked this one so I'll have to agree." Akutagawa said while coughing slightly. "Yeah, I get you akutagawa, me too. This was actually fun, thanks so much guys" Tachihara said while smiling warmly at all of them. "I can't believe we'll almost graduate soon, I feel like it's only been one week.." Naomi said sadly, "it's alright, we all got to spend time together. And we'll continue that in the future so no need to worry Naomi." Ranpo reassured. "Maybe.. maybe we'll all get into the same college.." Poe said nervously, he didn't like talking in big groups but he still tried. "Let's all just enjoy the moment we have right now, it's a bit too early to be sad." Dazai said while chuckling, chuuya and the others smiled and laughed.

They enjoyed the rest of the day hanging out, going places, buying stuff, and acting like normal teenagers without a care or worry in the world. Their worries could go away, it's too soon to be worrying about their graduation. They'll surely still meet in the future, just because they'll graduate doesn't mean it's the end of it. They'll still be friends in the future. They all waved goodbye and went their separate ways, Ranpo and Poe went to their shared dorm, Naomi went back to her house ( she doesn't have a dorm because she doesn't have a roommate ) Tanizaki and Tachihara went to their shared dorm, atsushi and akutagawa went back to theirs and so did dazai and chuuya.

Everything about today was so enjoyable and fun, they all wish to do this again.

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