Because of you, chuuya.

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Heyy! No promises that this chapter will be as long as my past chapters but since I am trying to be productive and trying to post as often as I can I will be trying to make them long but I'm sure they'll turn out to be short-- my mind is empty and I don't have much ideas but I am improving on it


I smiled at chuuya and kyouka, I've been smiling more these days since chuuya got back to me. I thought back of the time where I first met him and our second first meeting, I was cold to him in both of them yet I grew on him with time. He helped me smile more, sleep better and eat well. He also helped me convince myself I should stop SH, sure I continue to them sometimes but not as often. I'm thankful. (HCS) I smiled like an idiot until he hit my head and yelled at me again because I was staring at him while smiling like a "creep" as he says. I chuckled and hung out with them. Finally, Kouyou and Yosano arrived and took Kyouka with them. We said our goodbyes and they parted ways with us.

"The day went by so fast.." he complained and I chuckled.

"Well, sometimes when you enjoy the day, it can go really fast which I find annoying too."

"Hey, samu"


"You're smiling and laughing more." He smiled

"Because of you, chuuya " I smiled back at him and he turned red. I love his reactions, he's always so cute with them.

"Don't- don't say it like that!" He yelled

"Haha, don't say it like what?~"

"Shut up." He went into his room and slammed the door but then opened it and went back out to hug me and get hazel, how cute.

He's so cute, how did I get him? I must be lucky. I changed my clothes and bandages and went and opened his door, he had it unlocked. He was sleeping soundly on his bed and little snores filled the room. I smiled and stared for awhile. Eventually I went in the room and tucked him in.

"Goodnight darling" I placed a kiss on his forehead and turned the light off while closing the door quietly. I went off to my room and I started to study and list all my duties for tomorrow. I of course had detention duty but I had more and some paperwork for god knows what. I really hate doing work, it's so tedious and I had to report my duties to the principal too. How annoying. After that, I studied and then when I was finished with everything I finally turned off the lights and slowly drifted away to sleep.


it was currently 2:30am. I was still freaking out about how he called me darling, kissed my forehead AND tucked me into bed! Oh my fucking god.... What is he thinking?! Did he know I was awake??? Lots of thoughts came up in my mind and I got lost in all of them. I was as red as a tomato. I'm so glad he didn't notice earlier, wait, did he notice? Oh no! What if he did? No he wouldn't notice.. right? No point in thinking like this!!! I tried going to sleep but nothing worked, I tossed and turned and tried listening to music. I tried everything to sleep but I couldn't and I couldn't erase that thought in my mind about him doing those.. I slowly went to his room and opened the door quietly, he didn't seem to wake up even tho he was a really light sleeper and I swear even the wind could wake him up. I went towards his bed and admired his beauty from up close, I never really noticed how handsome he looked... Well I did notice, just not that close. He's super nice with me and treats me specially when he doesn't even glance at others. How special was I to him? Why did he call me darling out of all his pet names? Usually they'd be teases and insults.. well, was it a tease? I don't know. I sat down on his bed and kissed his cheek. Wait-- wait what?!! I- I KISSED HIS CHEEK?! UNCONSCIOUSLY? GOD HE'S PROBABLY AWAKE AND HE'LL TEASE ME ABOUT IT!

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