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Hello!! The art and characters are not owned by me, credits to the rightful owners and asagiri. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing this<3

Sorry I don't post these chapters more often, it's our exam and I'm stressing over it. My freetime is used for studying and writing this.

I'm not villainizing tachihara, they'll get along soon don't worry. These are also not their canon personalities! Mostly my headcanons, imaginations or just something completely random that I thought of and thought I could put in the chapter. Please don't hate me for making tachihara act that way- he'll change and they'll get along soon, I just didn't have anyone to act like that so I picked tachihara. I absolutely love tachihara tho, I don't think he'd ever act like this.

Please correct me of any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes, thank you!

Criticism is allowed because it allows me to improve more and know the do's and dont's and things you guys dislike reading.


I woke up on my bed and once again, I was cuddling with the shitty mackerel. I wanted to yell at him but he looked like he was asleep so I just stayed in my position leaning more into his touch and cuddling him. At this point it's normal for me to wake up and be in his touch, to be honest I feel safe. I pecked a little kiss on his cheek 'Wait hold on- WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING?!' after realizing what I just done, my face turned as red as a tomato but I didn't dare move since dazai was a light sleeper and could be woken up easily. He'd tease me if he knew about it. Good thing he was asleep, when I opened my eyes and calmed down from what I did, that fucking idiot was grinning at me!! He looked so annoying! Wait.. was he awake when I did that? Was this just a test to see what I would do?!

"My charms truly can't be resisted~ even the hot headed ginger fell for me~"

"What the fuck?! I wasn't thinking when I did that. Don't talk about it, it never happened."

"Okay okay~ So fiesty"

"Shut up. Let's go downstairs, I'm starving. We also still need to go to school.. ugh."

"Why not skip school?"

"Are you stupid? It's my third day and I'm trying not to have any absences, there's also a test today!"

"Alright alright, I didn't know you focused on studies"

"You focus on studies too! Even if it doesn't seem like it. You got some high scores when we had a surprise test yesterday."

"I'm just naturally smart chibi ~ anyway you're right. I'm hungry too let's go downstairs"

We both went downstairs and completely ignored the scene that happened earlier. We ate and thanked ane-san for the amazing food. I think I know where my cooking skills came from. After we finished we took turns in taking a bath. Dazai was actually using his brain for once and brought clothes because he knew mine would be too small for him and he kept teasing me about my height. He gets in my nerves I swear. I made sure I had everything in my bag and dazai did the same but I would mostly check up on him only to find he was staring at me. I'd smack him in the head when I would see him do that. Once we were done and ready, we dropped kyouka off at her school which the other kids came to. We said bye to them and went to our school, of course my dad, Verlaine was driving. Me and dazai were in the backseat and my other dad, Rimbaud was in the frontseat. Once we arrived, dazai thanked my fathers for letting him sleep over and giving him a ride here and my dad verlaine said it was the least he could do since dazai came back into my life and made me smile way more than I used to do. I got red and told them I'd be going and threatened to leave dazai there if he was just going to be standing there. They all laughed and the car went off until we couldn't see it anymore. Dazai caught up with me

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