Graduation Day!!

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Graduation day, it was finally graduation day. Something dazai wished for it to come when he started the school year, now he wants to stay in school. His friends, all the memories, thinking back at it, those three years... Dazai loved the memories with his friends and everyone else, especially chuuya. He cherishes all the moments, he's glad it happened. He no longer wishes for it to come back so he can stay in the moment more, he's glad those happened. He's enjoyed his time, it's not like he won't be seeing them in the future anyway. Most of them will most definitely be going to the same college as him, so he won't need to worry. He'll definitely see them again, and spend more time with them, making more memories he sure won't regret.

"We're finally at this point huh.. highschool was.. fun." Chuuya says in a soft tone, dazai can tell that chuuya thinks the same thing as him. "Yeah. I'll sure miss those memories, but hey, atleast they happened. Right?" Chuuya hums and nods in response. There weren't many moments where both chuuya and dazai weren't bickering, this was one moment they should also cherish. The both of them sat in a comforting silence, they didn't need words to understand anything about each other, they already did.


Chuuya walked down the stage, bowing politely and taking his certificate. It's time for his speech.

( If this isn't accurate, I am very sorry because I haven't even graduated from highschool yet, I have no idea what they do there. Btw chuuya is passing with honors and dazai is with high honors, ranpo being the one having with highest honors. )

"I don't have much to say but, thank you. To everyone here, my teachers, my peers, my classmates, schoolmates that I may or may not know. These three years were the best, if I was given a chance, I'd love to re live all our memories. Thank you for teaching me, I wouldn't have gotten this far without my teachers at all. I've learnt alot of stuff, I am truly grateful for everything. To my friends, I'm grateful for you aswell, I wouldn't have made these three years without you all. My emotional support, you all mean the world to me. I absolutely adore each and every one of you, thank you for being in my life and thank you for all the memories. I sure do hope we meet again."

Chuuya smiles softly as people claps for him and he bows, he gets off the stage and some other students follow, giving their speeches, getting off the stage to let the others have their turn. It's now dazai's turn, he bows and takes his certificate and gives a speech to everyone. Everyone claps, the gym filling with happy laughter and smiles. Dazai, for the first time in his life, smiled genuinely, Infront of people. People he may or may not have already known. He got off the stage and the other students followed. This graduation, was a memory they won't erase.

"Time for pictures!" A teacher exclaimed.

One by one, every classroom took pictures, some even taking a different group photo. Both dazai and chuuya also had millions of pictures they took with each other, with their friends, with their classmates and with their teachers. Everyone had an amazing time, smiling and laughing. Even dazai and Poe enjoyed it. ( Asocials. )

Chuuya, dazai and some other friends, even went out to some food places, a mall, technically anywhere they could hang out in. Their phones being filled with pictures, some having polaroids of them. They enjoyed their time, even if it was for today, they surely won't forget any of these. Cherishing each second of the moment, dazai stealing glances at his happy boyfriend — chuuya — also made him happy to see his boyfriend like that.


Hi!! I know this was a bit rushed, I had no idea what to do for this. I know this isn't accurate, I haven't graduated from high school yet so I wouldn't know, about chuuya's speech, it's something I'd like to say to my friends aswell, I just don't have courage to do that. I hope you guys liked this book, thank you for joining me on this journey, I'll be post-poning the college AU — that connects to this, for another book! It's a fantasy and royal au — still another soukoku book ( I am hyperfixated on them. ) I really enjoyed writing this, even if most of the chapters were out of character. I write the chapters when I'm half awake so I mostly have alot of mistakes — spelling and grammar mistakes — in them. I'm glad many people have read this book, I really wasn't expecting that. Thank you for reading this far, I truly appreciate all the votes, comments and more!


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