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Chuuya POV

I was going to spend today at my house and not the dorm because it was Saturday and 'Samu already has to go to Mori's place to watch Elise, alone, which I wasn't very comfortable with because we all know how Mori is, but Elise and Dazai should bond too, even without me. I wanted to bond with my family and spend time with them since I was mostly at the dorms or in school, or hanging out with someone, mostly samu. I walked there as it was a peaceful afternoon, I spend my morning with samu before he was called to mori's place. This afternoon was quiet, almost too quiet. I liked this peaceful surrounding and wished I could stay, but they're expecting me so I will come home. I decided to buy something for kyouka and ane-san, I got ane-san a new hairclip for her hair and Kyouka, a bunny hairclip to make them even. I even bought her a cute little dress, it was pastel and has a small bunny on the edge of the dress, it was cute and I was sure it would match with kyouka. I got her some fluffy socks and cute black shoes to go with it too. I'm sure she'll like it, I got my family some other stuff too, it's been 5 days since I've seen them so why not.

When I arrived home, it had that lively and nice atmosphere we always had, it was what made our home, Home. I smiled as kyouka ran towards me and dragged along that kid that was a total sunshine (Kenji) with her. The two looked adorable, they've always been inseparable, I find it cute because it was just like me and dazai. You couldn't let the other be away from the other for a day, we always needed a time where we hung out, that's why, when I left,.I missed everything about him, no matter how much I'll try to deny it and make myself think that, it will always be true and now I've accepted that, I'm just glad to be back. Surrounded by my family and my loved ones, I'm glad. My family smiled warmly and tenderly at me, they welcomed me in.

"Welcome back home, chuuya." Ane-san said while smiling, gosh I didn't know how much I'd miss talking to everyone. I'll learn to accept the change tho, I'm sure I'll get used to it. "Thank you" I said as I sat down at the dinner table, my father, Verlaine, cooked something for us. It smelled delicious and I was so excited to try it out. My father was great at cooking and I always wanted to try out whatever he had in store. It was always different and delicious everytime. While waiting for him to finish cooking, I decided to stand up and play with the kids. I gave my gifts to everyone and they all loved it, of course I'd expected Kenji to be here so I made sure to give him his gift. It was just a pair of overalls and a hat he'd always wanted, it was a straw hat. The overall was a denim overall and it came with a white shirt, I chuckled, the kid looked cute wearing it. (Not in a weird way💀)

"Thank you so much chuuya-nii! I love this! I'm going to wear it everyday!" Kenji said while smiling brightly at me, where did he get his energy from? I smiled back "You're more than welcome Kenji." He continued playing with his cute stuffed cow animal plushie, he liked cows very much, it was obvious. I thought it was cute that this kid was like this, he always had energy and made things as positively as he can. He's a positive thinker and that's good, I hope nothing breaks his spirit.

"I love my gift so much chuuya-nii thank you thank you thank you so so so much!!" Kyouka kept repeating and I just smiled "You're always welcome kyouka-chan. You should expect more gifts when it's me" I chuckled and Kyouka laughed. "Yeah! When it's big brother, he goes all out and he's the best! I love every single gift big brother gives me! All of them are amazing, big brother is so nice! I'm glad to have you big brother!" I smiled at Kyouka's words, I could cry, but I didn't. I smiled more - if that was possible - "Thank you thank you" I said, I continued playing with them until ane-san approached us and she was beaming at me.

"Thank you dear, you shouldn't have tho. I like this, I'll make sure to treasure it and make sure not to lose it." Ane-san said with the most loving gaze and the most warmest smiles. I loved her gaze, she felt like a third parent to me, her smiles are like warm hugs, like you can feel it even when you can't! Ane-san has always been my third guardian, I'm happy she's here with me. I wouldn't know what to do without her, she's an amazing big sister and cares for us. She'll do anything in her care to protect us and make sure we have the most fun, anything we want, she'll try to make it be possible. I'm really lucky to have a sister like her, no, I'm lucky to have this family. I'm so glad. I love everyone. "You're welcome ane-san, of course I had to. You guys deserve it, after all I grew up with you guys taking care of me and supporting me, why wouldn't I?" I smiled back at her, I feel like this afternoon was just filled with warm smiles, appreciation and loving gazes. I always love it when I come home to this, it's always so nice to feel this way. "You're making today feel like such a special day chuuya-kun, you give us too much gifts. We can't pay you back you know!" Ane-san said it scoldingly, but her eyes had a different emotion. It was happy, loving, caring and appreciative.

"You don't need to pay me back, it's a gift. That's what dazai taught me" "Well that boy is right, however I do want to pay you back. Be expecting gifts everyday" ane-san said while chuckling and smiling at me
"Haha! Ane-san, now I'll be the one who won't be able to pay you back.." I love this family, I'm so blessed to have them. (Gosh this is so wholesome omg)
"Well, like you said, you don't need to pay me back. It's a gift, so you won't need to. I chose to give you a gift, you didn't want me to." Ane-san said while repeating the sentence I said a few moments ago, I noted that and laughed. These are the times I absolutely cherish, I won't lose it in my memory. It will stay forever, I'm sure of it. We all had a great afternoon, we ate together, exchanged loving smiles, laughs and gazes. It was just a precious afternoon overall, this felt like home, this was home. I'm sure nothing will change that, I'm happy.

I'm happy.. to be here. I'm happy to be here with everyone, I'm happy to be able to smile with them and have memories that will last more than a lifetime, I want to stay in this moment longer, I'll cherish it forever. I can't stop time or freeze it, however, I can do that in my memories. I'll know this happened, everything, the way they smiled, laughed and looked at each other, including me. For now, I'll be glad I'm here and I'll make the most of it. I'm happy because I'm with them, I'm happy because I'm here. I love everyone, thank you to them for raising me, I wouldn't be here or be the person I am without them. I'm thankful, they make me feel.. like I'm human. They make me feel like I deserve to be here and some things actually stay, I'm grateful and thankful for that. I appreciate everything they've done for me, little things or not. I'm so grateful for everything.

Why am I saying this out of the blue? Because I don't think I say it enough. These words deserve to be said, they need to know I love them as much as they think I love them. They're my family and nothing will change that. Blood related or not, Kenji seems like our family too, he's such a sweet and bright boy, he'll grow up to be like that, he'll have a bright future, I'll be there for him and I'll support him like everyone did in my life. I'll make sure to treat him to food and everything else, I will treat kyouka the same too, she should have amazing treatment like a princess, she is like one and she deserves to be one. She will have an amazing bright future too, I can see it, kyouka is a good person. I'm sure she'll help people around her, I'm going to be here supporting her and being someone she can run to because everyone has someone or a time where they need that. I'll be here for everyone, I'll remind them of their worth, I won't let them break their spirits. I'll make sure they grow up to be amazing nice people that help other people and also focuses on themselves. It's good to balance things out, isn't it?

I'm so grateful for everyone in my life, I love them. I feel that I don't say this enough, even if I don't say these words much, I really do mean them. Every single one. I appreciate everything and everyone. I'm thankfull.

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