Fyolai and Soukoku ( definitely a double date /hj )

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DAZAI POV (thought he needed more)

I don't know how we got here but it was now Friday and Chuuya somehow talked me into coming with him into a 'little' hangout with Dostoevsky and Gogol. I don't like Dostoevsky, he has an uneasy vibe to him but I shook it off, on the other hand, Gogol had way too much energy, even for me. I don't like those two but chuuya was going and since I didn't like them, I needed to come with chuuya to make sure he's safe. I know they're not some type of criminals and they might actually just have good intentions in becoming friends with chuuya or are actually normal teenagers with nothing that I've described them to but I just want to be by chuuya's side. ( They're gay. ) We both got ready and I swear to God, chuuya looks so beautiful in everything, there's no outfit he wouldn't fit in. ( He wore something like what he was wearing in Stormbringer if your curious. ) I just wore a plain black suit, I mean there wasn't anything important to go to so I didn't really want to put in the effort. ( The one he wore in the mafia ) chuuya always overdresses and I'm not complaining. He actually didn't wear a hat like he always did in outings.

It was already the end of our classes so there was no need to fuss or worry about skipping class. It was currently 2:12pm, Dostoevsky asked to meet them at 2:30 so we went and catched the first train to the restaurant they wanted to go to. It doesn't hurt to be early, plus, chuuya doesn't like being late, I learnt that from personal experience. Once we were in the train, we just talked and bickered for awhile 'till we finally stopped. We went and walked to the restaurant, it wasn't that far from the train station so there was no need to run or anything, we just walked. Plus, around this place in Yokohama, there aren't any other public transportations other than trains or buses and I'm not rich like chuuya so I wouldn't wanna waste money or let chuuya pay for the both of us just to ride a bus to go the the restaurant. Chuuya didn't oppose of my idea and we continued talking and bickering while on the way to meet Dostoyevsky and Gogol. He kept ranting and telling me about how akutagawa and atsushi were blindly inlove, I just smiled and listened to him, occasionally commenting on what he had to say. Atsushi and Akutagawa resembled me and Chuuya, we were very much alike but also very different. They had much to learn and much to do with their relationship, It needs to grow more but that's up to them. Everyone has their own pace in life and some are slower, some are faster than others.

We finally reached the restaurant and it was only 2:26, only a few minutes till 2:30. To my surprise, Dostoevsky and Gogol were already there, they were chatting and they both seemed to be really close. Gogol was the one mostly talking while Dostoevsky sometimes commented and talked alongside him. For some reason, that cold Dostovsky actually seemed to like his company, he usually didn't like people's company. He's more or less like me, though we have our differences. I guess just like how chuuya is my only exception, Gogol is Dostoevsky's only exception too.

Gogol didn't really notice us but Dostoevsky did, he smiles and waved at us, signalling for us to sit in the seat Infront of them.

"Oh! Why hello there Chuuya-san and  Dazai-San!" Nikolai said energetically, how come he's got so much energy after being in that hell? ( School )

"Nikolai-san.. please, no honorifics" chuuya said forming a small apologetic smile.

"Oh right. Hehe sorry about that! Have a seat Infront of me and Dos-Kun!" Nikolai smiled while pointing to the chairs -- it looked more like a couch to me -- Infront of them. It was a fancy restaurant, the color pallette matched. It had red, black and white. It all matched so perfectly, even tho it looked so modern, it also felt so elegant and peaceful. The music playing was some classical music, I believe Dostoevsky likes this type of music. I stayed silent and sat down next to chuuya and just listened in to their conversation hoping they don't notice my silence. Of course I had to cut it when they asked what I wanted to order, I picked something from the menu, I wasn't here for the food or anything like that, I was here for chuuya -- even tho I hated the duo Infront of us -- it didn't quite help that Dostoevsky kept including chuuya in their conversations or just talked to him in general, same goes for Gogol.

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