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It's just another day and my friends asked to meet up, dazai has something else to do aswell so I don't think he'd mind and plus, I'll be able to get out once in awhile. I put on some casual clothing and went out to the skating park where my friends wanted to meet, it's been awhile since I've went skating. I'm not talented in it, guess I just like it. It makes me feel as free as a bird. I got my skateboard and I saw tachihara waving at me with the others. Akutagawa was there, he looked like he didn't want to join at all but was forced to. Atsushi stood there with an apologetic smile, he looked nervous, must be his first time. I'm sure he'll get through it. Tanizaki also looked nervous but he was smiling and waving at me aswell, he's already played, I saw him play before we were even friends. Higuchi and Gin were of course there, higuchi had a lot of talent for skating Gin skated for the same reason as me. She felt as free as a bird so that's why she skates with us.

I smiled at them and skated over to them with my skateboard. I finally got to them "Hey guys, kinda missed skating with you all." I said "Yeah, me too! It's been quite awhile." Tachihara said while beaming at me "I don't even know if I still have the skills.. I used to skate but I might have forgotten." Tanizaki said nervously but kept his stance steady "Don't worry! Even atsushi agreed to join us, he's never even skated before so it's new thing for him. You probably haven't lost the skills, you were sick while skating dude!" Tachihara reassured Tanizaki, were they a thing? "Yeah he's right. You we're awesome, as for you atsushi, don't be too nervous. Only way to learn things are to go at it." I said
"Thanks chuuya-san! You're right!" Atsushi said, he looked like he had stars in his eyes. I chuckled at the boy.

"Well? Are we just going to stand here?" Higuchi asked while getting her skateboard ready, I saw tachihara and tanizaki already had theirs ready. Someone with long black hair ran up to us, it was tanizaki's sister. Naomi. "Hey! Wait up!" She shouted "Are you going to play with us aswell?" Gin asked "No.. I don't have a skateboard and I don't even know how to skate. I'll just be watching you, is that fine with you guys and nii-san?" "Yeah sure, you can watch us. No harm in it either way." Tanizaki answered shortly after. "Well that's that, let's go!" Tachihara said. We started skating and we had a lot of fun. It seemed Naomi was a pretty good person at motivating people, she helped atsushi when he had absolutely no hope in skating since he'd fall a couple of times. Naomi would usually say "Don't get discouraged! It's not the end, continue!" And other stuff like that. She was just like a cheerleader there, she enjoyed watching even if it wasn't even her playing. It seems like she enjoys watching other people and her brother have fun, gotta hand it to her for being supportive. Akutagawa lent atsushi a hand and helped him skate. The two were just in their own world, sometimes I wonder if they're really just friends. Higuchi and Gin seemed to be in their own world too, Gin coming out of that world once in awhile. They looked like they had so much fun just skating and following each other. When Tanizaki almost fell, tachihara would catch him and give him courage to just keep on going. It's been quite awhile since he's skated so it's to be expected that there's times where he almost falls. Glad tachihara is there for him and his sister too, we've got some pretty supportive people here. Looks like everyone's got a partner except for me and Naomi. Naomi didn't mind but I just wished dazai was here, maybe I'll take him another time.

We all got tired and decided to rest and so we did. We sat down at one bench and just talked about the most random things. After that, we went for coffee. We went to a small coffee shop that Naomi loved and said it was apparently good so we decided to try it, I mean, what have we got to lose anyway? Naomi was right. The coffee there was delicious. I gave the waiters tips and they thanked me "Chuuya-san is so rich! That wasn't even a tip. That was a whole meal!" Atsushi said, he was still holding his coffee in his hand. "It's not that much.. I'm not that rich. Plus, they deserved the tip! They're a small coffee shop who barely gets any customers--" I said before someone cut me off "Except for me! I come there everyday!" Naomi exclaimed. "Yes except for Naomi. Their coffee was delicious, Naomi was right." "Agreed!" Higuchi said, still drinking her coffee. Everyone else agreed with me and we took a train to go back to our school and our dorms. We chatted again, talking about random things and enjoyed each other's company, it's been quite awhile since we've all hung out too.

We parted ways and said our goodbyes when we arrived at our dorms. I entered my dorm ( and dazai's dorm ) and closed the door behind me before I almost fell straight to the floor but kept my balance since there was a door behind me. I looked up to see it was the blue mackerel hugging me.

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