Coffee and Studying

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hellooo! I made this chapter right after I posted the other one before this, the "Roommates" chapter I'm wondering if that chapter was enjoyable to you guys TvT anyway, enjoy!


I woke up to feel no more warmth, he wasn't holding me anymore. He probably got up, Wait- he woke up earlier than me?! Well I shouldn't think about it too much, once I got out of the bed I decided to feed hazel and ginger, I put some milk in their bowl and cat food in the other pet and saw that dazai was in the kitchen.. Wait- is he organizing? What the hell?!


"No need to yell chibi.. it's 6am in the morning... Is it really shocking to see I'm organizing? Is it that hard to imagine me doing that?"

"yeah.. also 6am? When did you wake up and get out of bed?"

"i woke up at 5:00am and decided to cuddle with you for a bit longer and then got out at 5:40 so not too long ago since it literally still is 6:21."

"Sorry for yelling so early in the morning.. seriously though what's gotten into you that you randomly wanted to clean?"

"I just wanted to help chibi around, he's a great housewife but I feel bad letting you do all the work so I helped, aren't you happy?~"

"What if you break that plate your holdin- wait what- you can actually organize properly?! You should have done that to your room idiot!"

I hit his head and he sat on the floor whining about how he could be neat and organized and how badly it hurt, I didn't know he could clean THAT well..

"Chuuyaaaahhhhh! That hurts! Also I can clean whenever I want to! I just didn't feel like doing it to my room!"

"Ugh.. it's pointless talking to you! Anyway.. move. I'm gonna go cook breakfast."

"No need~"


"Already did~ it may not be as good but I'm still improving"

"Wh-WHAT?! Thank god you didn't burn the house down.. you did all of this in a short amount of time?!"

"Yes~ Shocked?"

"Yeah. Didn't know a mackerel like you could go around and be like that. Alright, where's the catch?"

"There's no catch. It's not illegal to take care of my lover right?~"

"sh..shut up!"

"Haha~ well, let's eat"


We ate and once we finished he asked

"Want to have a coffee date later?"

"A- A date?"

"Come onnn~ we barely have dates, please?"

"Sure.. I guess it wouldn't hurt anyone.."

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