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( this is their past )


It's been a few weeks since I've known dazai, now he's going to be my playdate today, my dad said it's fine and ane-san Kouyou told dad about him too! They'll love him, he's a big kid and he's really cool! I'm just waiting for him to arrive now, Dad said he'd come at... Uhm I don't know what time but he'll come soon! I just know it!


Ane-san Kouyou got up and answered the door and told you! There he is! "Samuuuu!" I ran over and hugged him immediately and he hugged me back! He got used to my hugs but he sometimes still is shocked when I hug him without him knowing. His dad left and he didn't seem to say goodbye to his own dad, oh well! Not my problem! ( 😧 ) Me and dazai ran up to my room, I didn't let my dads see him, whoopsies! We went back downstairs when I remembered that. "Are we just going to run around in circles?" "No no! I told my dads all about you and they want to see you! Come on!" I said happily while dragging him towards where my dads usually would be. "What if.. they don't like me?" He said while looking down—still being dragged by me. "They'll like you don't worry! Samu is a cool kid and a big kid! He's all grown up!" He chuckled, was something funny? "I wish I could see myself the way you see me." "You should see yourself the way I see you! You're totally cool and you don't even notice it! How can you not?!" We finally arrived in my dads separate living room, we have two because I always leave a mess in the main one.. hehe. "Papa Verlaine Papa Randō, meet the coolest kid ever! Samu!" I said, randō seemed to look amused and then my cold dad Verlaine kept his face straight. "My name's Osamu Dazai.." Dazai was looking down, did he really think they won't like him? I mean ane-san Kouyou likes him so why wouldn't they? "A smart little boy aren't you dazai? Chuuya talks about you alot you know." My dad randō said ( Rimbaud ) my face turned red, how could he betray me like that!

Little flashback

"Papa Randō and Papa Verlaine, don't tell samu I talk about him alot here okay! If you tell him then.. then.. then we're not friends anymore!" "I see I see. I won't tell him, don't worry, right Paul?" "Yeah." "Yay!"


That was just betrayal! He said he wouldn't mention that!!! He even pinky promised me, he'll have his pants on fire because liars will have their pants on fire! Hmph. He's so rude!!! "Chibiko-kun still talk about me to his family..?" "Uhm no I don't!! Papa Randō your a liar!" I huffed and crossed my arms, he just laughed! Hmph. "I'm not lying, it seems chuuya-kun has taken a liking to you." Randō said while chuckling


"Chibiko-kun can be so obsessed with me sometimes." Dazai joked and Randō laughed along with Kouyou, chuuya's face turned red again. "W-WHAT?! I'm not obsessed you blue flying mackerel!" "I'm not a blue flying mackerel!! Mackerel's are fish, they can't even fly!" "Well they can and you're definitely one!" "Am not! You're just saying that because you're so small and slow like a slug." "Are too and I'm not slow and small you stupid waste of bandages!" "I'm not stupid and a waste of bandages either! You need your eyes fixed chibi." "I'm not a chibi! My eyes are perfectly fine." And the bickering went on, the three adults just watched them bicker and playfully hit each other while laughing, Verlaine managed to laugh at the sight he was seeing, though these two boys have only known each other for a few weeks, they're as close as anyone can get. Their insults were quite funny too, in need of an improvement, Verlaine says.

Once they've calmed down—from their bickering, the two went to Chuuya's bedroom and decided to play there even if dazai didn't take an interest in that. "Hey what do you wanna play with?" "Nothing" "What?! This is a play date stupid! You have to play something." "Then let's play.. monopoly, it's easy for a chibi like you." "What is that? I don't have that! I'll buy it next time!" "Oh.. then chess? Is your brain too stupid for that?" "What is chess? Also my brain is not stupid! You're just.. blind! Yeah blind!" "You really don't have anything fun.." dazai sighed and just sat down somewhere and Chuuya sat beside him "Sorry... I don't know what's fun to you.." "No it's fine. Nothings really fun to me, let's just read a book! I can teach you more." "Yes please!" "Chuuya looks like a dog." "I'm not a dog?!" "Yes you are." And there they go again, well it's just them in their own little worlds. Enjoying each other's company, teaching each other stuff, learning and having fun overall. Dazai wasn't really expecting to have fun but with chuuya, fun will always be there because chuuya never fails to amuse dazai.

After awhile, they were called for lunch, it was curry rice or rice curry. Chuuya looked starry eyed and dazai seemed to like the food aswell. They all ate chatting about random things, their topic was mostly dazai—to get to know him better. "Dazai, What do you think about chuuya? Honest opinion." Verlaine asked "Well, the Chibi is someone I've never met before. He's straight forward, he's smart and a fast learner. He's somehow very amusing and interesting.. I think I like being his friend." Dazai answered while eating his curry "I see, Chuuya thinks of you as a cool role model. The boy practically looks up to you, he says you're a big kid and that you know words he doesnt such and such." 'were they talking about me?' chuuya thought 'who cares. This curry is amazing and I don't really care about what their talking about.' chuuya thought in his brain and continued to eat "ChuuChuu is expecting too much of me." "Haha, the boy usually looks up to everyone but he's never talked about someone for this long, I swear we can't get the boy to shut up for a second about you." Rimbaud said jokingly but truthfully at the same time. "Yes, that boy really has no limits when it's about's as though you two already knew each other from birth but hey, there's friendships like that." Verlaine said "He surely does know no limits when it comes to dazai-kun, you should appreciate him dazai-kun." Kouyou said sternly "Yeah. I do appreciate him and wish I can view myself the way he views me. The chibi is annoying sometimes tho." Dazai exclaimed, he seemed to open up this family which is a shocker but it's good.

"Hahah, we just hope you won't hurt our boy, well we do know you're capable of doing that, you just won't, you can't. Can you?" Rimbaud asked "Yeah.. I can't seem to push him away." ( Chuuya has already left the room btw ) "Then I suppose that's good." Verlaine said, he stood up and walked to his office.

Once their talk was done, dazai went upstairs to Chuuya's room to find him trying to read dazai's book but failing miserably. "A- wait no.. intelliphone.. no no. Intiliigent.. that's wrong... Intel-" "you suck at that chibi." "Rude!" Dazai walked over to where chuuya was sitting and sat down beside him, he started teaching chuuya about how to pronounce it, what it means and how you can use it in a sentence etc. Chuuya really enjoyed it and dazai seemed to like to see chuuya enjoying it. It was as if chuuya, himself, amused dazai.

Chuuya fell asleep on dazai's shoulder and dazai didn't know what to do so he stayed still but he kept on reading his book, quietly. He didn't want to wake up chuuya and so he kept quiet until Kouyou came into the room and smiled at the sight of seeing the two together. "Do you want me to move him?" "No he'll wake up" "He's a very deep sleeper trust me. You should also take a nap, you can sleep right next to him dazai-kun. Only if you want." A nap wouldn't hurt him, dazai thought. "Okay sure." Kouyou moved chuuya onto his bed and dazai climbed into the bed putting his book aside and Kouyou tucked the both of them in. Dazai was facing chuuya's back—which he clearly did not like. Chuuya shuffled a few times before actually just facing forward—where dazai was and snuggled into his chest. "Yeah you're exactly like a dog chuuya." Dazai mumbled. He fell asleep in one of the first times, he had sleep. He usually could sleep but he had really bad insomnia and couldn't sleep properly.

Guess things change when other people are around. This is what having friends is like, isn't it..? I like the feeling.

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