You And Me

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This is their past, also if they're not acting how they should be, keep in mind that they have less trauma and I am not asagiri so I can't portray them as perfectly as the author made them. Oh and they're 10 in this chapter, they'll be more "matured" for their age and think everyone else around them ( not dazai because he knows ) is immature but really chuuya's the one who's more matured then he should be for his age. ( I'll take a guess and say that it's also like you, don't worry. Me too. ) I apologize for not updating very often- it's been quite awhile hasn't it? I have no idea what to do for this chapter so it's going to be completely random. Anyway let's get to the story. ( They're in gr5-gr6 idk )


Everyone around me are acting like kids, can't they just shut up and actually be more matured?! I just wanna write my notes in peace. Me and the blue mackerel weren't seatmates and I didn't have a seatmate - thank god. Dazai went over to the empty seat beside me and sat down there - we could sit anywhere, our teacher doesn't care anymore. "Hey, what's with the long face chibi?" Dazai asked, he wasn't even taking notes! Typical of him. "They're all so noisy, they're acting as if they're still children! They need to grow up." I said annoyingly. "Chibiko-kun... You do realize we're 10 and turning 11 meaning we are still kids right? Atleast until we turn 13 that's when we're teens and when we're 18 it's when we're fully adults. They're not acting immature, they're acting their age." Dazai said while sighing - he made sure I heard his overly dramatic loud sigh.

"Right. Forgot about that.. but Mori-san said that you weren't acting your age when you acted like a child!" "You're actually believing Mori? He's not even telling the truth. It's just what he's expecting from me as his son and probably the one to take the lands we own, houses, hospitals, etc. They're just acting like how they should be acting. Loosen up a little, slug." He was serious in those first parts but when he said the last sentence, he said it teasingly which annoyed me and I hit him on his head - hopefully not lightly. "Ow! Chibi, what was that for?!" Dazai said while rubbing the part on where I hit him. "Sorry. And sorry that you have a horrible dad." "Oh don't worry I'm used to that, but my head still hurts! You'll need to fix it." He said dramatically. "With what? A hammer?" "Chuuya! Of course not. With something that heals everything~" He was using that teasing tone again. - I hated that tone.

"What heals everything? Are you sure you're not being delusional and didn't watch some fantasy movie believing in that because that sounds exactly like some healing magic." I scoffed. "It's better than magic you slug! It's a healing kiss chuu!~" "A healing what the fuck now?!" I unfortunately said that last part a bit too loudly gaining the attention of my classmates and teacher. "Nakahara Chuuya, you're going to have detention and you too Dazai. Be careful on what words you're using Nakahara Chuuya." The teacher said, I groaned and hit dazai's head again. "Ow... I think I deserved that one tho, it made my head hurt even more though!" "You got us both into trouble you dumbass." "Technically it isn't my fault because you we're just too loud and swear alot. Not my fault." He said and continued "So~ are you going to give me that kiss?" "Where would I even kiss you, you idiot." "Oh? So you would kiss me if you knew where to kiss me?" "Maybe. It depends." I scoffed and looked away from him. "On the part where you hit me, two times since you hit me two times." "Oh how I wish I didn't hit you now.." "Soooooo?" "You're too tall, I can't" He stood up from his seat and went Infront of me and sat on the floor. "There you go."

I turned red from embarrassment but he'd annoy me later if I didn't do this. I held his head gently and pulled it closer to my face and then kissed the spot two times - I don't know how I knew where the spot was. And then let go of his head. He looked up to me with a smile - teasing but cute. "Everytime chuuya hits me, he has to kiss the spot and if he hits me more than once, he has to kiss it exactly the amount of times he hit me! A great idea don't you think chuuyaahh?" "That is the worst idea I've ever heard of." "I love chuuya's kisses, they're like marshmallows!" "That is the worst description of them too." I looked at him with a weirded out face, this guy was a weirdo and yet here I am, being frienenemies with him. The bell rung and it was time to go home - for the other kids atleast. It wasn't very late because we have early dismissal time, the teacher reminded us

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