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"Hey what are you doing? I almost lost my balance! Couldn't you have waited-" I was cut off, again, seriously?! What's up with people today. They keep cutting me off! Annoying. "I missed my chibi! You took forever! It's 5:23pm now, you said you'd come home at 4! You made me wait an extra hour!" He whined, I swear he's just like a child. I'll let him act like it because.. he never has a proper childhood so he's allowed to be like that with me. I don't mind. "Sorry.." I hugged him back "I lost track of time, we were having a good time though." "Prove to me that your sorry then!" Yeah.. he was exactly like a child. "How?" "By spending time with me and giving me cuddles and kisses." He pulled away from the hug and looked at me. "Fine. Let me get changed tho.."

Once I finished changing and went to his room, he stood up from his bed and put down the book he was reading and hugged me again. What was up with him today? He's so clingy.. not that I mind that. "You're so clingy.. what happened??" "I want cuddles" He's acting so weird! Well I'm not complaining because I also get cuddles. We watched movies and cuddled on the bed. I fell asleep 1 hour into the movie. ( The movie was 2 hrs long. )


I don't even know why I'm this clingy, but I'm always clingy so it doesn't change anything. He fell asleep and I kissed his forehead and hugged him tight. After the movie finished I turned it off and went to sleep with my chibi. A little nap wouldn't hurt.

THIRD PERSON POV ( been quite awhile )

Chuuya was snuggling into dazai's chest with dazai wrapping his arms around chuuya protectively. It had been a few hours since the duo had fallen asleep. It was time to eat as it was already 7:40pm, they usually are the moment it turned 7 but it seems that the time was passed, awfully quick too. Dazai was the first one to wake up at 7:00pm, he didn't move as he didn't want the smaller to wake up. He decided to just lay there and cuddle with chuuya as long as he can-he can only wish he could do that forever, however that does mean that chuuya wouldn't be awakened and dazai wouldn't want that so he just chose to live in the moment. Chuuya awoke at 7:40pm, when he realized they haven't ate yet, he stood immediately and went to the kitchen to cook with a whining dazai behind him. "Chuuyyaaahhhh! We can deal with no food for longer.. let's cuddle more!" Dazai kept on whining as Chuuya continued to do what he was doing-cooking. "It's already been a few hours. We've been cuddling for awhile, it's time to fill up our stomachs. You'd starve yourself otherwise." Chuuya was well aware of dazai's tactics, dazai wasn't suicidal. He just wanted to end life because it was miserable for him which makes chuuya wonder why dazai listens to him when it's about chuuya restricting dazai from killing himself-though he is thankful for dazai listening to him otherwise he won't know what to do with himself. He doesn't want dazai to die, he cares. He truly does care. Though it may not seem like it-he actually does care and he doesn't know how to show it. Dazai is well aware of the fact Chuuya cares about him-not to the extent Chuuya actually cares about though. Dazai allows Chuuya to take his time in emotions as he knows that chuuya isn't very good with people or his very own emotions so he'll let him have the time he needs in order to learn how to express them properly-even if it takes forever, he's willing to wait.

The two were always willing to wait for each other, no matter what. Chuuya was finally done cooking and they started to eat, they talked about things and usually chuuya would scold dazai for talking with food in his mouth. It was just another ordinary day for them-not so ordinary for actual ordinary people. Once they finished eating, chuuya was washing the dishes and he somehow got dazai to clean the table-through many complaints. Once they were finished with that, they got into their pajamas and with chuuya doing his normal night routine

"Hey slug! Help me put on new bandages..." Dazai yelled out "Fine. Coming!" Chuuya yelled back, quickly running into the room while holding a first aid kit-that had dazai's bandages in it and began unwrapping his bandages. "Chuuya, you don't think I'm a monster when you unwrap them and see the scars below them, do you?" Dazai asked with genuine curiousity, a part of dazai already knew chuuya was going to say no but a big part of him was scared he'd say yes. "The fuck? Of course I don't! I'm more of a monster than you are. You're completely normal samu, what makes you think I'd call you-- out of all people, a monster?!" Chuuya replied-almost immediately, "Thank you chuuya, you're not a monster either. That's all in the past okay?" Dazai brushed his hands on chuuya's long ginger locks, he just earned a nod from the other who continued to clean up his scars-they were already cleaned but chuuya just chooses to clean them each time he puts new bandages on dazai. Once it was finished, he looked up and saw that dazai was looking at him with admiration and genuine love. "Stop looking at me like that! You look creepy." Chuuya said-trying to hide his blush when he realized that dazai was staring at him. "Haha! Chibiko-kun is scared of me now~" "You piece of shit!" Hazel-their black cat ( I totally didn't almost forget about him until I thought "I think I'm missing something here" 💀💀 ) was approaching them along with ginger-their ginger cat. "Oh right.. you didn't feed them you bastard!" "Chibi? Don't be so mean~ You usually feed them!" Dazai exclaimed while chuuya hit him-lightly-on the head. "Ow!" "Deserved. Now let's get you guys something to eat alright?" Chuuya said the first part harshly and then turned to the cats talking to them in a soft voice-if they could understand-feline creatures are intelligent so he expected them to.

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