Finally Mine.

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Hellooooo, just like in the fifth chapter, I don't have much say rather than I hope you enjoy this chapter<3 I'm really sorry that the chapters have been becoming more shorter and boring and me turning drier and not saying as much but I'm really focusing on some things right now and I hope you don't mind that- anywayyy enjoy!


He stared at chuuya thinking ‘He's finally mine..’ he liked watching how chuuya was so focused on the lesson that he didn't even notice dazai staring at him, chuuya wrote down notes that were important or notes he think is important. Chuuya was mesmerizing to him, he could stare all day but he'd probably get hit on his head being the stubborn tsundere chuuya is, he'd definitely do that.

“Dazai, I'm sure you're close with chuuya, right?”

“Yeah what about it oda?”

“You should tutor him. He's not failing, he's passing but I want you to help him improve. He's a bright boy and deserves more chances. If he can learn fast on what your tutoring him, he deserves all the chances he can get. So? Will you tutor him?”

“Of course! You don't even need to ask twice. I agree about him deserving all those chances, I'll definitely help him improve. Don't worry oda”

“Thank you for understanding dazai. You're free to go now.”

“Okay~ thank you!”

“this boy changed.. he's more playful and happy than usual. Is it because of  chuuya? I'm glad..” odasaku mumbles not letting dazai hear it.

“i finally get to be with my chuuya! Man.. it's been such a long day..”

My Chibi<3

Hey chibiko-kun!~
Where are you?

Shouldn't I be asking you that?
I'm in the library..

Woah?? You read books?
That's new! I'll take a mental note to maybe get you books!

What the fuck?! I do read books!
I don't really like them but I guess I enjoy reading them.
I'm just studying, I'm not stupid I just don't wanna fail.
So? Will you come to the library?

Already on my way!
I was talking with odasaku, sorry!

What? Did you get in trouble or something?

No, he asked me to tutor you

I know I'm dumb but I don't need a tutor..

Hey don't be upset! He says you're a bright boy and deserve more chances in the future so he wants me to help you improve since I'm really the only person close to you~

Really? Did he really say that?

Yeah! Odasaku is nice so you'd expect that from him.
I do agree with him tho, that's why I'm helping!
Hope you won't mind~

Won't mind?! I'll mind!!! You'll distract me..

Oh? Has my charms gone to the point where chuuya can't focus if it's me?

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