My Only Exception

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I'll be doing most of the past thingies with chuuya's POV, who knows, I might put more dazai POV'S.
(This is their past)


It was the next day! I get to see samu again! I told my family all about samu, he's a cool and smart kid! I'm not that smart.. maybe I can be.. I want him to teach me to be a big kid! I'm a big kid already but I wanna be more of a big kid so I'll ask him later..

We finally got to school! That took longer than I wanted but it's okay, my sister Kouyou was the one bringing me to school today so I don't mind, she's the best, the best sister in the whole entire world! I love her so much!

I saw dazai sitting down near that old tree where I saw him sitting last time, I smiled and waved while I walked towards him, guess what? He smiled back and waved at me! He also signalled for me to sit down beside with his hands!

"Hi samu! This is my amazing sister Kouyou!" I smiled brightly as I pointed to Kouyou.

"I am not that amazing ( lies ) but thank you chuuya-kun, so you're that smart and cool boy chuuya-kun would always talk about?" She chucked and my face turned red, I didn't want dazai knowing I talked about him! What if it wasn't like a big kid?! Dazai didn't smile but he did reply to her.

"Chibiko-kun talks about me? And yeah. I'm Osamu Dazai, I'm not that smart or cool tho chibi.." he said while looking at me with a small smile, it wasn't visible to Kouyou but it was to me. I think he's cool and smart tho! He shouldn't lie, that's bad! He's super cool and super smart!

"Nice to meet you, Osamu-Kun, I am Ozaki Kouyou, call me auntie. I'll get going now. Have fun you two, bye~" she covered her face with her fan and walked back home

"Woah! Big sister Kouyou is letting you call her Auntie! You really are cool!" I said, almost starry eyed. He laughed a bit, he laughed!! ( HE ACTS LIKE THIS CAN'T HAPPEN I CANT. oh wait I'm the one who's writing this.. )

"I'm not that cool, also I'm not smart. You talk about me to your family chibi?" He asked and tilted his head, he was actually confused. Does his friends not do that too?

"Yeah! I do that when I make a friend, I talked about you more tho! You're so cool and smart, like a big kid! Teach me sometime!" I smiled brightly

"Wha-What?.. I can't teach someone how to be a big kid. They do it on their own, thanks for the compliment chibi" he patted my head and continued reading the book.

I smiled and sat down and he helped me read, he's teaching me how to read and write properly, I'm getting good at these now! I'm so happy!

After our classes we sat down back near at the old tree where we always hung out.

"Samu, why are you so quiet? Also where are your friends? You don't hang out with anyone but me?"

"I don't like talking to people and I lied. I don't have any friends, well, except for you."

"Oh.. so you don't like talking to me?"

"I like talking to you. You're my only exception and you're different ( I love making myself feel single ) you're like a big ball of sunshine in my life.."

"Really? Yay!" I hugged him ( he didn't hug back unfortunately, he was staying still, he's not used to this LMAO ) and when I let go, he pat my head even tho he didn't smile, I'm sure he was happy! His eyes said so!

Our class was starting again so we walked to the classroom together.

"Hey! Chuuya!.... What are you doing with.. him?" Shirase called out ( wanted to add them for no reason in particular ) a pink haired girl was next to him, it was yuan.

"Oh, hi shirase and yuan! This is my friend samu- oh.. I mean dazai! He's really cool!"

"Isn't that the weird kid who doesn't talk to anyone?" Yuan whispered
"Yeah.. why is he friends with chuuya?" Shirase whispered.
"That weirdo doesn't deserve to be friends with chuuya"
"What if he's forcing chuuya to be his friend?"
"No, chuuya's stubborn. He must've tricked him into being friends with him!"
"Yeah! I don't trust that he can be friends with chuuya." They were whispering to each other I didn't hear anything he said but samu did, he took my hand and we sat down in our seats as far away from them. Do they not like each other? ( No, no they don't )

"Samuuu" I said almost like 10 times before he even noticed, he was zoning out!l


"Did you hear what they said? I didn't hear anything.."

"Oh. It was nothing"

"Please tell me!"

"They.." he hesitated before continuing "they just said I was weird and that there was no way a weirdo like me could be friends with you."

I was surprised, yuan and shirase were that mean? They felt like my family! How could they be mean to my friend? Samu looked upset.. I felt bad, shirase and yuan shouldn't be mean to people without getting to know them!

"I'm sorry they were like that to you.." I looked down but he patted my head

"It's okay, it's not your fault chuu" he said with a small smile and I smiled back brightly at him, he called me a nickname!

"Yay! I have a nickname from you and I have a nickname for you!"


It was the end of the day

"Bye bye samu! See you tomorrow!" I hugged him and he hugged back, he was getting used to my hugs! I smiled at him

"Bye chuuya, be safe" he patted my head and smiled. ( oh btw I headcanon that he pats his head because of their little bet, dazai claims chuuya's his dog and that's why he pats his head, like a dog. Even if it didn't happen in this timeline."

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