Maybe Just For Now

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HAIHAI so I decided to write more to make up for lost time ( which wasn't even that long but yk ) so hope you enjoy this chapter! (This is their past btww)


I sat at our usual spot where he usually expects to see me, and there he was. His medium-long ginger hair flowing over to his side, it was something people made fun of. People would say he was a girl, he didn't care for those and he looked unbothered but I know it bothered him, it also bothered me, the students we're bullying him and he was completely fine with it. He does try to fight back and tell them he's a boy and not a girl, all of them failed because the students kept teasing, teasing and teasing. I would usually go in their conversations and take chuuya's side, gin, akutagawa, tachihara and some other kids did too. I liked that everytime when chuuya saw me, he'd come up to me and hug me. It made me feel wanted, special and loved. No one really did that to me, well except for that one time with Elise. However, his hugs we're different, they felt loving and warm. He gave the absolute best hugs, I would want more of them. I hope he'll stay with me.

"Samusamusamu!!" He ran up to me leaving aunt kouyou behind and aunt kouyou walking back home knowing chuuya will be fine with me, I'm glad she atleast trusts that. He made me stand up and he hugged me, I just stood in my place slowly melting into the hug, I didn't hug back but I'm sure he's fine with it. Even with his short temper, he can be reasoned with and he's very reasonable. He's an understanding person and he knows people need time, I'm glad he knows that. I need time to adjust to whatever he's doing, maybe just for now I'll be glad that I'm with him and I'm here right now, alive with him. I'll be glad about that for now. I smiled at him when he pulled away from the hug, I can see sparks in his eyes when I smile, it's like he's accomplished a mission. It's cute of him, I like seeing him that way, it's adorable. I held his hand, for the first time, I was the one to be doing stuff like this. Normally I'd hate it, I hate human interaction but, with him, maybe for now I'll allow it. I'll allow myself to be the first one to initiate, because I want to.

He looks shocked but smiles back at me, his smile is so bright. It's as bright as the sun. I brought him to my secret place, somewhere around the school where you can see the ocean and the waters glistening reflecting the light coming from the sun. We sat there, I was reading my book while he enjoyed the surroundings, I like how he  is amazed by the smallest things. He's so cute. He's not the smartest but I'm sure he will be as soon as he learns, he picks up quite fast and is a fast learner so he won't get trouble in being smart. He takes a liking to poems and books, he won't admit it of course, being a "tsundere" that he is. "samu! Look!" He pointed at many fish jumping in the ocean trying to reach somewhere, a sight indeed. ( He's taking about chuuyaaaa ) "That's cool." I said while looking at the direction which he was pointing at. "I know right! Fish are cool! What if I become a fish? Is that cool? Would I be a cool kid?" He said while tilting his head, he looks cute when he's confused. "I'm not sure, but you know, you can't turn into a fish. That's impossible, you're a human." He seemed taken aback by that last sentence, what's up with him? Did I say something wrong? Why'd he react like that? I wanted to ask but I stayed quiet. "I.. I am.. I am human...?" He asked, he looked sad, was that a sensitive topic to him. God I should have considered that. "Uhm.. yes, you are." He looked surprised, has no one ever told him he was human? Is he okay?

"O..oh.. thanks.." I pat his head and then I asked the question I wanted to ask a few moments ago, "Why do you ask? Is this a sensitive topic to you?" "Sensitive?" "Oh I mean like, are you not comfortable or okay with talking about it? Like does it make you feel sad and stuff like that?" "Yes.. I guess..? But.." "But?" "I don't mind telling you, because it's you samu. You're my friend." "You don't have to tell me, you can tell me when you're ready so don't worry." "Are you sure?" "Of course I'm sure. I'm your friend aren't I?" I pat his head again and gave him a reassuring smile, I didn't smile with others around me, chuuya's different. I'll let him see me when I'm happy, sad or all those other human emotions. I hope he's okay, he's one of the only people I care about. He hugged me and just rested on my shoulder, he fell asleep short after.

Maybe Just For Now, I'll Let You Be With Me And You Can Rest With Me Whenever You Want. You Deserve The World, Chuuya.

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