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Helloo! Hopefully this wasn't a very long wait time. I hope you enjoy reading<3 I don't have much to say since well- I don't really know what else to say but once again, None of the art and characters are owned by me, I'm not making tachihara the villain here so please don't hate- I love my boy tachihara I just think at one point he had a crush on chuuya (who wouldn't) so that's why I put it in here but he'll change and realize his love for tanizaki THEY'RE CUTE IDK I'll also add some more bsd characters into this whenever I want to but this story is mainly going to be for chuuya and dazai. Please don't expect too much, this is my first time and I do not expect it to be good whatsoever. Enough of the chit chat enjoy!


“No no!”

“Okay.. let's focus on the lesson first.”

After school chuuya and dazai went to a park and sat on a bench to talk about whatever dazai wanted to talk about. Dazai stalled as much time as he could so that is why it's already after school.

“What do you wanna tell me?”

“Oh right, that. Well, it's been a couple of years right? Seven years of friendship and more to come.”

“You're not going to end our friendship, are you?..”

Chuuya pouted which dazai found cute.

“No no.. well technically yes. But I've been meaning to tell you this for as long as I can remember. Nakahara Chuuya, I love you so much. The reason why I don't want you to be friends with anyone else is because of that, I'm afraid you'll love someone that isn't me. I'll protect you even if it means taking my own life away. I am quite annoying but I'm your other half, soulmate and future lover~ Chuu will you be my boyfriend and make me the happiest suicidal maniac ever?~”

“I- uh- a- i- wha- i- love- wha- i- a- uh- ah- um- ”

“take your time”

Dazai chuckled while chuuya was malfunctioning, in real life.

“Ye..yes. I want to be your boyfriend osamu.. I thought I was too short for you. Jokes aside, I also love you. I tried being clingy to you last time because.. I wanted to be the only one you treated differently and specially.”

“I'll continue to treat you special don't worry, darling~ I love you more my prince.”

After that chuuya completely malfunctioned and dazai ended up having to carry chuuya back to his house (piggyback) and brought their stuff with him. He didn't mind anything, not even the stares. Not like it's his first time getting stares because of his relationship or the way he acts with chuuya. As long as the smaller was near him, he'd be okay with anything. ‘just as I was going to give up on life.. that was until you came..’

Once we reached chuuya's house, I put him down the couch and explained everything to them. Instead of not supporting this, Verlaine actually looked happy. Chuuya fell asleep mid-conversation


I'm glad it's you he's said yes to.” -Verlaine

“Me too, I wouldn't want it to be anyone else” -Rimbaud

“Please don't hurt him and give him the best life ever.” -Kouyou

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