Am I human?..

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CHUUYA POV ( chuuya's POV from the last chapter, the one before I put authors note up. ) ( This is their past )

Samu was at the spot where we usually met, he liked hanging out there even tho I told him, there were other places we could meet up. He said he likes it there, maybe it's his favorite place? Wait no! He said he had a different favorite place.. and that he'd take me to it one day, I hope that one day is soon! I didn't really like school.. it wasn't what I expected, there were people who helped me but there's also a lot of students that bully me. I don't want to fight back because I might get in trouble! That's not how a big kid is, I'm a big kid and I'll continue to be one so I won't fight back! I'll just leave them alone, it won't cause anyone problems, the bullies will leave me alone, my parents will never know and then everything will be back to normal!

I won't cause any problems to anyone. It's better if I leave them alone because then, they'll leave me alone, right? Whatever.. I should stop thinking about this. Ane-san is going to get worried and notice that I'm quiet! I should talk more! Well, I'm already near dazai so I ran up to him and I made him stand up to hug him, he didn't hug back but I can tell he liked it because he just stood there melting into my hug like a snowman in summer! Ane-san probably already left, she trusts samu with me! I'm so happy! They don't usually trust people with me.. they're a bit too overprotective. Atleast they let me be alone with samu! I pulled away from the hug and saw him smile, I made someone smile today! I am so happy that it's samu again! I can't believe I made him, out of all people, smile! I'm so happy!! I think I looked a bit too happy because he sighed and held my hand.. he was slightly smiling when I beamed at him.

He brought me somewhere with him
"It's my favorite place, you wanted to see it, right? Now's the time." He said as he led me to the most beautiful place on earth! The view was amazing, I didn't even know we could see the ocean from here, we're still in school, now I can see why it's his favorite place! I think it's my favorite place too, hehe. He was reading his book while I still kept looking around and looking at the ocean especially, the light reflected on the ocean and it looked super pretty! I want to come out here more often. I saw many fish jumping but samu wasn't looking and I wanted him to see the awesome fish jump too!

"Samu! Look!" He looked over and saw the fish, I just looked back at the fish, I think fish are cool! They're awesome! "That's cool" samu agrees with me that they're cool, yay! "I know right! Fish are cool! What if I become a fish? Would I be a cool kid?" I tilted my head and looked at him

He slightly laughed and looked back at me "I'm not sure, but you know, you can't turn into a fish. That's impossible, you're human." I listened to him and I was kinda upset at me not being able to turn into a fish and then I realized what he said in the last few lines.. human? Was it really okay to call me.. human? .. "I.. I am.. I am human..?"

I accidentally blurted that out, I should have just stayed quiet or acted like it didn't bother me at all. Why did I have to mess up?! "Uhm.. yes, you are." I.. I was human? Can I believe that I am human? No one but my family tells me I'm human.. well not anyone mentions it but when they do.. they say I'm not one, they say I'm a.. a monster and that I don't deserve to live, because I'm a monster, so can I believe that I am.. human? From another human? "O..oh.. thanks..." He pat my head and asked "Why do you ask? Is this a sensitive topic to you?" Sensitive? What's sensitive? Is that another big kid word? Samu's really cool! He knows alot of big kid words and talks like a big kid! I wanna be like him hehe! "Sensitive?" "Oh I mean like, are you not comfortable or okay with talking about it? Like does it make you feel sad and stuff like that?" Ohh so that's what it means, samu is smart ! Oh wait.. I got to answer because he's asking me that question.. not teaching me.. ehe. "Yes.. I guess. But.." "But?" "I don't mind telling you because it's you samu, you're my friend." "You don't have to tell me, you can tell me when you're ready so don't worry." "Are you sure?" "Of course I'm sure. I'm your friend aren't I?"

He pat my head again and gave me a reassuring smile, I just hugged him and rested on his shoulder. I fell asleep after that, I don't really remember anything else he said. I like staying with him, he makes me feel safe..

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