Run Away

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one day later—- 

I've been sleeping in my car so far. Hopefully, I can find a nice secure place soon. I have 39 miss calls from my mother and Madi and 15 voice mails. I should call them back.

on the phone with Madi

Me: Hi

Madi: Ashley! Where the hell are you?

Me: Around... I just need some air and space.

Madi: Air? Space? You've been out for almost a day! Mom is going crazy! Why did you leave?

Me: I just told you! I needed some time to myself!

Madi: You're pregnant aren't you?! That's why you ran way! Isn't it!?

Me: No! I just need time, I've been through a lot these past years and I'm tired! I'm tired of everything! I need to just restart!

Madi: If you're pregnant you need to be somewhere safe.

Me: I'm not pregnant, matter of fact I'm probably just  PMSing.

Madi: Ok, but come home soon, we're really missing you and are worried about you.

Me: Ok, I will. ( I hang up.)

Will not, I'm gone and I'm not coming back until after this baby. If I have it.

Madi's p.o.v 

I know Ashley's hiding something. I know it. I just need to find out what's up.

"Oh great! Why are the adoptive parents here?" Mom asked

"Mom chill, It's 6 in the morning and I need to get ready for school. They're probably just checking on us." I told her as I walked to the door.

"Hi." I said as I opened the door.

"Hi, I'm afraid we're gonna have to back out.  I got a job in Copenhagen and I'm taking it. We're very sorry." One of the girls said. (Annie)

"You're kidding right? You can't back out now, I'm seven months pregnant! Who am I gonna find now?!" I yelled

"We're so very sorry. I wish we could help." She says

"You can help, by staying!" I yelled

"I'm sorry but that's not an option." She says

"Yes it is! I have went through hell and back with this pregnancy! I'm sure you don't care that this baby is my own father's! I don't want this baby! " I exclaimed

"We're so very sorry, but we have to go." They both say. Then they just leave. They just walk away!  I instantly hate them. How could they do this to me! I'm 15 and pregnant with my father's baby. I cant take this anymore!

"What's going on?" Mom asked

"Did you seriously just ask that? Did you not hear al that yelling?! The fucking couple backed out on us! Something about a new job in Copenhagen!" I yelled

"Watch your mouth. And no biggy, we'll just find new people to adopt the baby." Mom told me.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You haven't been a mother at all you've just been around. And I'm Tired of it! Ok, tired! Get your act together!" I yelled then I went upstairs...

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