Married to my Best Friend

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Four years later--

"Come Jake let your sister use the bathroom!" Josh yelled.

"Ok," Jake says sneakily. He walks out the bathroom with a smirk and waits for Shayna to go in.

"Ew! Oh my god! Jake! What did you eat!" Shayna says. Jake starts burst out laughing.

"Fart bomb!" He laughs.

"Alright kids, you guys need to get ready for school. Mommy and Daddy have to work. Shayna and Shayonna be good when Aunt Madison gets here. She will tell on you." I said.

"I sure will," Madison says as she walks into the house. They all ran to hug her.

"Hey, could you maybe drive the kids to school. I really need to leave for work like now!" I said.

"Fine, I have to drop Amelia off anyway. You have a good day, try not stress," she tells me. Then she tells the rest of the children to get ready.

"Ok, I am about to leave. I love you," I said as I walked over to Josh.

"I love you too," He says back. He then gives me a nice long, passionate kiss. Aw now I font want to go to work.

"Mm, I dont wanna go!" I say

"But you have to, go help those teens and victims out. Have I told you how proud of you I am. You created a beautiful group home and you're helping others with their complex lives. You are an amazing, phenominal woman. They should be thankful to have a person like you to talk to." He tells me. I kiss him again and hug him.

"Thanks, your pretty cool too," I tell him. He then laughs. "Well I have to go and be that phenominal woman. I'll see you later," I kiss him once again and leave the house. Thats got to be hardest thing do every morning.

At my job---

"Ok, Lets start with Amber, what did you write down for something positive that happened?" I said

"I wrote, something positive is I finally got to see my daughter yesterday.  They was trying to keep her away from me but I know some people so they helped me see her and now I get to see her four times a week." Amber says

"Wow, thats amazing, everyone lets give a round of applaus to her!" I told everyone and they all clapped for her. Everyone shared something positive and then we went out for lunch.

At Apple bes's ----

"I know this isnt the most extrodinary spot but they serve good food and its one of my favorites," I exclaimed

"Girl, you aint gotta get all fancy for us, I'd be happy with McDonalds or Chick Fil- a." One of the girls say. I laugh and we continued to order.

"Ashley! Ashley Davis is that you?" I turn around and see Sophia.

"Hey!" I went up to hug her and saw her swollen belly. I screamed. "You and Liam are having a baby?!"

"Yea. Six months. Sorry I couldnt tell you sooner. We were enjoying our extended honeymoon. Well I was just heading out but its nice seeing you and your girl group," She says waving to them.

"Well of course. We'll catch up later ok?" She agrees and walks away.

Madison's p.o.v

"Aunt Madi, can Me and Shayonna go outside and play?" Shayna asked.

"Go ahead just be careful." I told her. They both left the house. Suddenly Caleb just walked into the house. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you. I missed you," he explains

"Yea I missed you too but what if Ashley or Joshua hadn't have left?"

"They're gone aren't they?"

"Well yea bu-" he intereupts me with kisses. I just melt.

"Like i said, I missed you. Now tell me about your day," He says. I am the luckiest woman on Earth.

Dinner time---

I had invited Caleb to have dinner with us. This would be the perfect time to announce that we were together.

"Dinner is delicious, Ash." I state.

'Dinner is really, really, really, reeeeeeealy good, mommy!" Shayonna says

"No, dinner is really, really, really, really, really, really, really, veeery good, mommy!" Shayna says.

"Thank you. I'm glad you guys liked it." Ashley says. Its weird, in a way I kinda watched my big sister grow up into an amazing woman and mother. I admire her actually.

"Hey! I'm no guy! Only Liam, Jake, Daddy and Caleb are the boys here! We are ladies!" Shayna says and Shayonna nods her head with her. We all laugh and continue eating.

"So... I have something that I wanted to share with you. We've kinda always been close so I'm just gonna say it. Caleb and I are together. We've been together for years." I told everyone as I held Caleb's hand.

"Yea, I kinda already knew that. It's pretty obvious. Even mom knows." She tells me. What? How? That's not fair! I just stayed quiet and continued eating. Suddenly the front door opened and we heard people coming in.

Ashley's p.o.v---

"Hey! Party over here! Except I can't get drunk. But I can get food drunk so its a win, win! What's for dinner?" Sophia says as she comes in with Liam. I jump up and hugs her. What are they doing here?

"We thought we'd pay a visit. We brought some food and drinks." Liam says. Then I hugged him too.

"Well, there's no real party with Ivy Banks!" Someone says. Then I looked at the doorway and Ivy was here.

"And what the hell are you doing here?" I asked

"Well, I was on facebook, snooping and I noticed everyone was at this location so I though I'd come by myself. My girlfriend is home sick and you know I don't do good with throw up so here I am." She explains. It's like a mini high school reunion in here! I get up to hug everyone.

"Looks like we're gonna need more chairs," I say. The Josh gets up saying,

"I'll get them. You just sit and look pretty." Ok, I start to blush. He then kissed me and goes to get the chairs. How did I get so lucky. I went from a fragile little girl to a wife and a mother to four beautiful children. I suddenly hear a woman's voice yelling. It sounds like my mother. 

"Don't just run in people's house! Where's your manners?!" She yells than I see my little brother run in. I get up and hug them. 

"Hey!" I greeted. "Josh three more chairs!" So what's so special about tonight? Why is everyone here tonight? 

"Oh look you're already having a party and didn't invite us. Hey Madi," mom says as she comes in. 

"These people just showed up, like you. Well, lets eat!" I said. Everyone took there seats and we ate and laughed and had a great time together. High school me, would have never guessed that my life would take me here. Married with beautiful children and a big loving family.

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