My Happy Place

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Marriage: the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage <same-sex marriage>    b : the mutual relation of  married persons : wedlock. 

Am I ready for this? I love him I really do but let's face it, every time I'm with Josh my life falls into a down fall. I get pregnant, my heart breaks, I have trust issues, end up in the hospital, shall I go on. I just wish live was as easy as it seems in movies. Ok let's list the pro's and con's. Pros:  I love him and wont feel guilty about my feelings towards him, Cons: My life might turn into a downfall Pros: We can be together as a family again. Con's: My life might turn into a complete downfall. Wait I said that already. Pros: I get to be with the love of my life and be happy. Maybe this time my life won't go into a complete down fall. Maybe this is how its meant to be.

"Um, Ash you're scaring me with your blank face, " Josh says.

"Huh, oh... Um. Can we just talk in private?" I asked.

"Oh, year of course," He says with love and hope in his eyes. But I saw a hint of fear and heartbreak. We walked to the porch and sat down on the swing.

"I love you, Ashley. You gotta love me back. I know I've been acting crazy lately but that's because I haven't been able to read you lately. I miss you and I want to finalize our love and make sure it last forever." He says.

"I love you too. I know I've been acting a bit crazy too. But you gotta understand that I'm not the same Ashley from high school or from Kindergarten. I've changed, you've changed," I paused. We both have changed but our love for each other has grown even more. The love and the lust. Why am I fighting against love? Love always wins. "You know what? Yes, yes I'll marry you!" I said then we hugged and he kisses me.

"I thought I was gonna have to return this ring." He says in relief. Wait what ring?

"What ring?!" I asked a little too excited.

"This ring," he say pulling it out of my pocket. It was absolutely beautiful. Wasn't too big, wasn't too small; perfect. It was one big diamond in the middle with little diamonds going around the ring. "Would it have made a difference of I propose with the ring in my hand? Would I have gotten a faster yes?" He asked. Possibly.

"I don't know. I don't think so. Its beautiful.. Well, what are you waiting for? Put the ring on me," I said with excitement. He slides the ring on my finger and then kisses me. We then walk back in the house.

"So.... Whats happening?!" My mother asked eagerly.

"We decided.... TO GET MARRIED!" I said while showing her the ring. She squeals and hugs me.

"Oh my god my baby is getting married. I've always been team josh #teamjoshforlife!" Yes, my mother just said that.

"Mom? Don't ever say something Like that again," I warned her with a laugh

"What? Isn't that what you kids do now-a-days?" She asked

"Just don't." I said ignoring her question.

"OK so let me get this all straight. Ashley's not pregnant, mom is pregnant, we're moving the wedding date up and Ashley and Josh are getting married now!" Madison says coming out of no where.

"Oh hi Madi. Yes that's all that happened today. Oh and I'm not pregnant. You were there" I said trying not to laugh at her.

"OK! Well then. Congrats. I feel like I need to be getting married now." Madison says.

"Madison, you need to find a man first. Do you have any guys in particular?" Mom asked. Holy shit she doesn't know that Madison isn't straight and that she has a girlfriend.

"Um yea. His name is Caleb." She tells us.

"What!?" Mom and I say.

"Yea, he's really cool. I can invite him for dinner if you guys like," Madi says.

"Yea, sure." Mom said. Suddenly her face turns and she runs upstairs. We all hear her throw up. Yup she's pregnant.

"Who's Caleb? Because last time I checked you were making out with a girl." I said

"Caleb is my best friend. I lied to her because I'm scared of what she'll think of me. Like you said she's always taught us to be against this." She explains

"Yea, I understand. But I can't wait to meet Caleb." I said happily. Suddenly I felt little arm wrap around my legs. I looked down and saw Liam. "Hey Liam. Oh, I have important news to share with you and Jake!" I told him. Then Madison walked away and I sat down, waiting for Liam, Jake and Josh. They all came up to me and I made sure that Liam and Jake sat down.

"Liam, Jake your mother and I have an announcement that we'd like to share with you both.... We're getting married! Which means a happier life, you'll probably see us kiss more and show our love to each other. Just know things are gonna change, for the better." Joshua explains to them. They get up and hug us.

"I think I like mommy and daddy happy Together," Jake says.

"Yea I think i like that too," I said.

"I love you, Ashley," Josh says as he pulls me closer to him.

"I love you too," I told him. Then he kissed me. We then parted and saw Liam and Jake giving us the 'icky' face. Josh and looked at each other for one second and had a while conversation.

"And, we love you guys!" I yelled. Then Josh and  attacked them with hugs and kisses while they squirmed around saying ew and complaining. This right here is my happy place.

A/N: I am so sorry it too so long for me to update. My computer broke and i hate updating on my phone but i did it anyway for you lovely people. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote, comment and or share.

    Love you all,

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