The Man of My Life

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One week later---

Six more days. I am getting married in six days. I even found a job. Its just temporary but it helps pay the bills. I'm working for a hot line. People with struggles call me and i give them advice. You might be wondering what happened with the whole Isabella story? Well, i know this might sound weird or stupid but I forgave and forgot. Josh of course. Isabella will never be forgiven. Beside Josh was poisoned. He was just as innocent as anybody as me. And I love him. So we are still getting married.

"Can you believe we're getting married in less than a week?! I love you so much. Thank you for everything that you have done for me. I can't wait till we have another mini me or you," Josh says then he kisses me. Another, well umm ok! I didn't even think I wanted another baby. Not yet. Maybe in like four years.

"Mmhm!" Is all i say.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"What? Nothing I'm fine... Its just i don't know if i want anymore kids." He paused. Oh wow he really wanted another kid.

"Oh... Ok. Well then it'll just be the four of us. Which i will be fine with. I love you." He says then he kisses me.

"Are you sure you're ok with this. I kinda just smack you in the face with it so I just wanna make sure you're ok with this." I told him honestly.

"Yea, its a surprise but, I'm fine. Really! And maybe you'll change your mind?!" I laughed and replied,

"Yea maybe," I then kissed him to make him feel better. I walked into the kitchen.

"Mommy can I get some cookies?" Jake asked as i walked in.

"Sure, why not? Do you wanna get some for Liam and Amelia?" I asked. Of course he said yes. He has such a big heart. He shares with everyone. I can't wait for us to move out. With my mom and her baby on the way and my sister and Amelia, there's no privacy. I thought about tagging Madison along with us but who wants to live with their sister for the rest of their life? Not me. I need space. We plan on moving one month after our honeymoon. Speaking of weddings and honeymoons, lets see how my dress is. I called for Sophia to help me zip up the dress. She walks in and acts likes she's about to cry.

"Oh, stop it and zip me up!" I laughed. She went behind me and began to zip me up.

"Uh-oh!" She says as she stops zipping me.

"What? Is there a stain!" I asked in panic.

"No, but i think the dress shrunk... I can't zip it up."

"What?!! NO! YOU ARE GONNA FIND A WAY TO ZIP THIS GODDAMN DRESS UP OR I SWEAR I'M GONNA HAVE A BREAK DOWN AND I'M GONNA RIP EVERYTHING APART!!" I shouted. This can't be happening! Six days to go! I have to loose this weight.

"Have you been eating more?" She asked

"NO! I DON'T THINK SO! JUST GET MY MOTHER!" I shouted. I forgot she was five and half months pregnant, her stomach sure proves it. She tries to zip it but fails.

"Maybe we should get Josh or your dad?" Mom says

"NO! DAD IS WALKING ME DOWN THE AISLE AND JOSH IS MY HUSBAND! ARE YOU CRAZY? ARE YOU STUPID?! THIS IS ONE OF THE WORST THINGS THAT COULD HAPPEN TO ME!" I shouted. Ok maybe i was a little too harsh because she started crying and ran out the room.

"Ash, that was pretty harsh! Just calm down. We can fix this," Sophia tells me. I soon found my own self crying. "Oh, honey! We will find a way to fix this. I promise. Even if we gotta use pins to hold it together. It'll be ok. I promise!"

"How could i have let this happen? I didn't think i was over eating or under eating. I'm not on my period so I'm not bloated. What the hell did i do? As if i need another reason to back out of this stupid wedding!" I cried.

"Ashley! Get your act together! You love Josh. Josh loves you. He wont care if you walk down the aisle in jeans or a dress. So everything is gonna work out i promise." She tells me. I then started laughing. My life is a mess!

"Are you ok? I'm gonna get Madison. Maybe she can relate to this more." She says. I don't even care anymore. I'm done! I take the dress off and throw it in my closer

"She should've warned me that you'd be half naked. Now, whats wrong?" Madison asked

"Josh almost had sex with another woman, Josh wants more kids, we need a house, and I'm too fat to fit in my dress! My wedding is in six days. I'm not excited anymore." I told her. Suddenly Madison smack me on my face. "Bitch!" I yelled then i smacked.

"That is the attitude you need towards life. Life isn't easy. You need to smack life back and make it your bitch! Besides if you hadn't have gone through what life threw at you, you wouldn't be marrying the love of your life in six days. Just six more days and you'll have everything you wanted. Josh." Madi says. I then smiled trying not to cry and hugged her.

"Ok so now about me. I had sex with Caleb. Again. And it was unbelievably good! I think he has been practicing," She tells me

"So what does this mean for you?" I asked

"That im still gonna have sex with girls and occasionally with Caleb,"

"Madi, that's so whorish of you!" I told her

"Shut up! And you know what? You are getting fat! Almost like your pregnant!" She yells. How dare she tell me I look pregnant! That's a serious offense considering my life and my luck with pregnancies. Besides I cant be i just had my period not too long ago. It was shorter and lighter then usual but i had it! I gotta get to work soon anyway. I work from 5pm-5am. They say the early mornings is when we get the most calls.

"Are you ok?" I heard someone say. I missed that voice. Josh.

"Yea. I just need you. Can we just lay here, together? I need you to just hold me." I told him.

"Of course." He says. We go onto the bed and he holds me, embraces me, with his arms. This is the man i am spending the rest of my life with.

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