Just Keep Swimming

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one week later - (five months pregnant)

I wake up every morning and am happy to be laying in my own bed again. I look down and all I see is stomach. How did I get so fat? Oh wait, I can answer that, because my dumb ass decided to get pregnant in Paris. At least I can tell my children they were conceive in Paris. I got up and went down stairs.

"Where is Madi?" I asked

"School. She wanted to go." Mom told me.

'Mom! Why didn't you wake me up. It's 1 in the after noon!" I yelled

" You deserved a day or two off, and besides, I wanted to talk to you. I think It's about time that we talked. Ashley who is the baby or babies father? Did you get raped again?" She asked

"No mom. This actually gonna be funny to you because the father is Joshua." I said nervously.

"Joshua! Joshua as in kindergarten Joshua. As in the Joshua that I trust to come in this house and the only guy I trusted you to close the door with?!" Mom yelled

"Yup, that Joshua." I said.

"How long has this been happening!?" Mom asked

"About a year or more." I said

"And you didn't bother telling me about this! Ashley I thought we told each other everything! I thought we were close!" Mom says

"Oh really, and how many teenagers do you that are extremely close to there mother, get real!" I yelled

"Excuse me! I will still whoop your ass right here right now! I don't care if you're pregnant with twins! SO you better watch it!" She yelled

"You know what! I didn't come back home for you to yell at me all that goddamn time !" I yelled.

"And I didn't have a child named Ashley to yell at all the goddamn time!" She yelled back.

"You know what mom, I'm done. I'm going to school as late as it is!" I said. Then I went to my car and drove to school. Even though I'm still in my night close. Good thing it was just a big shirt and booty shorts. Kinda looked like an outfit. Kinda.....

at school-

I walked in and already people were starring at me.

"Nice outfit sleeping beauty or should I say sleeping ugly. I guess that whole pregnancy glow thing is a lie." Nichole says. Then I see Ivy laughing along with her.

"I really don't have time for your bull shit! So why don't you walk away and shove your arrogance up your ass!" I yelled

"Oooo, someone's a little feisty!" Nichole says. Then she pushed my shoulder.

"You know what I am sick! I am sick sick sick of your shit! And yes I am quoting this off a movie! I'm so tired of you that I have completely given up! You win Nichole, you win!" I said then I walked to class.

( in hallway)

I'm walking to class and then Josh stops me.

"Hey, when did you get here?" He asked

"like a half an hour ago. Listen, I think we should break up. As much as I want to rip that shirt off you and lick you in every corner, I just think we should break up." I said. I didn't mean to say the thing about ripping his shirt off but who could blame me.

"Do you really like me in this shirt? It's new." He says

"That's besides the point. Josh, no offense but ever since we became a couple my life was flipped upside down. I have people hating me, I ran away, I'm pregnant again! Should I go on?" I said

"Ashley I think you're over reacting. And besides what next? If we break up what then?" He says

"I don't know. We could go back to friends." I suggested.

"Yea, friends having a baby! I don't wanna break up so if you break up with me, it wont change anything because I'm still gonna be your boyfriend." He say.

"I'm sorry but, we're over. See you later." I said. Then I went to class.

After school

I get in my car and turn the car on. Suddenly I see Josh smash his face against my car window.

"Josh!?" I shouted

"Hey. Can I get ride?" He asked. Then I unlocked the door so that he could get in.

"What's up?" I asked

"Nothing just hanging out with my girl." He says.

"Josh, you know we broke up." I said. Then he does a fake gasp.

"You did? I don't recall. Now, you should let me drive you know since you're pregnant and all." He says

"Joshua, You know what happened, and I don't need any one to drive me around. I'm more than capable of driving myself around." I said

"You just said my real first name." He says. Then he gets out the car and make me go on the other side. We then tart to drive off and to my house

at my house-

"You might not wanna come in, my mom is pretty mad. I told her that you were the father." I warned him.

"I'm gonna have to face her one day." He says. Then he just walked into my house. I walked in and saw Madison sitting on the couch eating cookies.

"Where's mom?" I asked

"At her job. She's told me to tell you she's working until 10 tonight." Madi tells me.

"Ok. It's your lucky day." I told Josh. Then he gave me a nervous smile. Suddenly my phone started ringing. It said unknown. I answered it.

on the phone

Me: hello?

Unknown: Hey, We haven't really talked much and I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I've been going to therapy for the past year because I realized what I did to you was wrong. One of the sessions is for me to bring you with me. At least that's what my therapist told me. It's on Wednesday so if you wanna come you know where to find me.

Me: Nathan?

Unknown: Yea, it's me. I just really wanted to let you know I'm sorry and I'm trying to get my life back in order. So will you come?

Me: I'll have to think about it. But thanks for saying your sorry. Now the healing is complete.

Nathan: Yea sure. (we both hang up)

off the phone——-

"Was that Nathan?!" Josh shouted.

"Um, no, I thought it was but it wasn't." I said. I lied. Why did I just lie? I don't know. Maybe its because he might wanna kick his ass again. Maybe I still have a little bit of feelings and hope for Nathan? I should be over him after what he did to me but I'm not. I feel something for him, but I don't know what it is. I even still think I feel something for Liam. I need a break from guys. I need some girl friends. What happened to Sophia?

"Listen, I'm tired so maybe you should go." I said to Josh.

"Yea sure. Listen, there's still hope for us. Don't give up yet." Josh whispers to me. Then he kisses my forehead and walks out. Easier said then done. It's easier to give up rather than holding on. I feel like such a thot. Pregnant with one guy's baby and thinking about two other guys. Maybe I need to get my life straight. I go to the kitchen get a bowl of ice cream and sat next to Madison. We ate and watched tv together and even talked a little bit. We both ended up asleep on the couch and cuddled together. Maybe there is a such thing as second chances.

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