Sword and Shield Arc Chapter 3 - New Friend Same Adventure

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It was the next morning since the wild opening ceremony and while everyone else was fast asleep in the Bedew Inn I had snuck away into the main lobby connecting my Rotom phone to the main PC awaiting a well-deserved explanation. Tapping my foot I sat down nibbling on a breakfast bar as Zorua fell asleep still too tired. Eventually, the call was answered as I stood up and met with Professor Kukui waving.

"Good evening Cousin, oh, I suppose it's the morning where you are. I wasn't expecting a call from you so soon. Don't tell me you miss us already?"

"Professor, sorry to disturb you, but I just had to ask you a quick question regarding the whole Galar Gym Challenge?"

Kukui nodded arms crossed. "Pretty cool right, I saw your match last night with the Mrs, you are our Champion for sure, even with the odds against you there was no stopping Y/N! Whoo, you got me pumped!"

Grumbling to myself with a dull look I waved off the compliment. "Yes, yes, great, thanks. Listen, professor, I've been wrapped into participating in the Gym Challenge. Like what's up with that?"

"Huh?" He spoke turning around. "You didn't know? I could have sworn I told you..."

Rubbing my face I tried to keep my best smile. "No Professor you didn't tell me. I thought I was here representing Alola and Paldea as a guest?"

Kukui gave it a thought laughing. "No, I definitely remember telling you. I was like, make Alola proud Y/N, take on the Gym Challenge, and become champion. Is it a problem? You took on the Gym Challenge back in Paldea did you not?"

Sighing knowing I was going to get anywhere I shrugged it off. "Trying to argue with you Professor is impossible. No, I suppose I can take on another Gym Challenge. Being here nearly a year now I'd had hoped to avoid any more Gym Challenges."

"How come?"

"They all seem rather... Pointless? I already know Mimi and I are unstoppable, I don't need to prove that to the world. Besides, I'm still not keen on Pokemon battles unless I have to. That's how I was brought up after all."

"I suppose that makes sens- Sorry Cousin I got to go, we've got our first League challenger. A young girl from Paldea coincidentally. I've heard many things about herself and her partner Pikachu, whoo I'm pumped!"

And like that, he hung up on me leaving me staring at the blank screen with an annoyed tone. "Yeah, bye. He sure is a character huh Mimi?"

Zorua gave a very meek whimper half asleep as I leaned back stretching. "There's still time until Zinnia wakes up, shall we go for a walk girl? Huh, another call?"

Leaning back towards the screen I accepted the call jumping back as Nemona had her face pressed against the screen. "Oya! There you are, I finally got this thing working. I told Penny I didn't need her help!"

"Nemona?! This is a surprise, how are you doing?"

"Never mind me, I saw your match last night! Man oh man, it got me so hyped! I'm like super jelly we can't battle right now. You're taking on THE Gym Challenge and you didn't tell me!?"

"To be honest this was very last minute, it's not that big of a deal is it?"

Nemona gasped grabbing her phone and running around her room. "Not that big of a deal!? Y/N it's THE Galar Gym Challenge. It's the most amazing well known and crazy Gym Challenge in the world! Yeah, other regions have one too but like no one does it quite like Galar. The stadiums, Dynamax, and the Undefeatable Leon! Oooh! Why wasn't our school trip there!?"

Rubbing the back of my neck I was taken back over just how big this whole Gym Challenge was. Taking on Paldea's never felt like a big deal, so much in fact I skipped Sinnoh's just because I didn't feel like doing that all over again. Two regions later and I'm back at it again.

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