Delta Emerald Arc Chapter 8 - The Next Step in Evolution

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The snowstorm had settled down. It was the first time in a while that I saw a clear open sky. Taking the first step out of the safety of the cave I overlooked where I came from still wincing in pain. But I had managed to heal up enough to take the long trip back. Taking one look back I saw the fire settle, my mind was constantly looking back to last night. More specifically that Zorua. Would I ever see it again? I hope so.

Holding onto the cliffside I began to slowly descend the sun watching over me as I began mumbling to myself.

"What are you going to say this time to excuse running away Y/N? After this scheme, there's no chance they're ever accepting you into the Survey Corps. You couldn't even catch a single Pokemon let alone a strong one." Slipping I held onto the rocks my heart dropping. "Thank Arceus... That was too close."

What would usually take ten minutes at the most took nearly an hour because of my leg. By the time I had reached the bottom the sun was already high and mighty. Looking up at the sky I covered my eyes taking a deep breath. "Maybe no one noticed I was gone? Wishful thinking there Y/N. Wishful thinking."

I wasn't in a rush to get home, the dragging of my feet was a clear giveaway. Even if it was petty, I wanted to enjoy the little bit of freedom I had before I was a prisoner in the village. Or maybe they'll banish me, that could be a blessing in disguise. Like I'd last long alone out here anyway. Walking through the forest I kept looking around not paying attention to where I was going. Out ahead just out of reach, I saw a flock of Pikachu playing, one noticed me watching curious. My hand rested lightly on my only Pokeball as I gave it some thought.

However, I didn't act watching the group disappear into the forest. Catching just any Pokemon wouldn't do it for me. Anyone can just catch a Pokemon. I want my first to be different. Besides, I don't think Akarai would take kindly to me copying her partner Pokemon.

Turning my gaze back to the main path I continued walking the sound of the forest dying out into silence. I paused feeling uneasy. It was so quiet I could hear my heartbeat. My palms began to sweat as I looked around seeing nothing.

At least at first, there was nothing. Turning behind me I saw it. A pair of red eyes in the distance focused on me and me alone. Stepping backwards ever so slowly I was attacked. A collsoall shadow burst through pushing trees aside lunging at me. Falling back I crawled back hitting a tree as the Zoroark from last night appeared in front of me. My vision became blurry, I couldn't focus. Tears streamed down my face.

It had followed me. It wasn't going to let me go. Holding my arms up to cover myself I began whimpering. "S-Stop, get back. I me-Mean no harm!"

It got closer hissing scrapping the trees and leaving a deep mark. I couldn't move. I was paralysed with fear. This was it. I was going to die here...

Screaming out I looked away only for the bushes behind me to shake. A streak of blue zipped by forcing the Zoroark back. Looking back my fear, still there, dwindled ever so slightly. 

The Zorua had come back. She stood in front of me, against Zoroark growling and barking. She was doing everything in her power to scare them off. Even with this facade though I could see Zoura's fur on edge, her legs shaking. She was just as scared as me.

Zoroark snarled screaming at Zorua making her stumble back. But she bounced back jumping giving the same energy back. The two then fell silent. Time went by, what felt like an entirety before the Zoroark walked away not looking back.

Zorua didn't budge until the Zoroark was out of sight and then some. When she knew we were safe she turned around running over and jumping on me. Still, in a sense of shock, I gripped Zorua closely biting my lip and hugging her.

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