Black & White Part 1 Final Chapter - To be the Very Best

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Gretel sat on her would-be throne. Curled up in a blanket, she thought of the promises and the many stories her Father had cooked up and told before bed. Even at such a young age, she was promised greatness, glory, and royalty. She was to become a Queen, and when old enough, she would guide her people into a new golden age, one free of conflict, evil and Pokemon. Dieno had sat on the throne with her, cuddling up to Gretel as she began laughing, resting her head against the armrest. "I'm going to be Queen one day, Rolo. You and me aren't exciting."

"That throne suits you."

Gretel looked up, seeing Anthea and Concordia approaching with smiles. The two young girls bowed slightly, playing along. "Your majesty."

Gretel giggled, raising her hand and pointing to each one. "You may rise, my loyal servants."

Concordia approached, holding her hand out. Gretel took it as she began opening her dirty palm. "A Queen must always be in the highest of spirits and health. You must always look the part, Gretel."

Anthea nodded along, brushing Gretel's hair. "Think of what Father would say. He wants you to be on your best behaviour; that means no sneaking outside to play."

"Aww... But it gets so boring in here."

Anthea giggled along, nodding. "I, too, understand that, but you must follow Father's rules; they are there for a reason."

"What were you even doing out there for anyway?" Concordia questioned.

"I was looking for my Prince. I read it in one of the stories you gave me: A queen must have a King by her side." She insisted on showing the book. "If I am to become a respected Queen, I will need someone by my side."

The two sisters laughed with one another, taking the book. "You need not worry about such a task at this moment. For now, you must be a good daughter to Father. Can you do that?"

Gretel nodded. "I can!"

The three sisters were cut off as the doors to the main Throne room flew open, and Ghetsis entered, walking a young boy, maybe a year or two older than Gretel, towards them. Anthea and Concordia quickly rushed to Ghetsis' heel, bowing their heads. "Welcome home, Father. We expect you had a pleasant journey."

"Hmph, I did." Ghetsis looked, seeing Gretel before nodding. It looks like everyone is here; this here is N. Treat him well. He will be under our care from now on."

The two sisters looked at the young, scrawny boy, confused. "You are taking him in?" Anthea questioned.

"That I am, he is to become our King. His heart is connected to that of Pokemon. Not only that, but he can understand them. A fitting beacon for people and Pokemon, I shall leave him in your care to prepare him for his duties."

"B-But Lord Ghetsis... What about Gretel?" Concordia asked. This only got a fierce glare from Ghetsis as she quieted down. "We will see that Lord N is trained appropriately for his duties."

"Very good; I have much to plan regarding this turnabout. That is all."

Gretel sat up from the throne, dazed; she couldn't quite believe what she was hearing. Stepping off, she felt her heart crumbling away as she ran after Ghetsis, confused. "Father! I... I thought I was to be Queen? You said I was going to be Queen of Team Plasma? You promised."

Ghetsis looked down on his daughter before slapping her across the face. "Don't you dare talk back to me, you nothing, child? You lack the understanding to think for yourself and always rely on others. You are nothing, begone from my sight."

Gretel fell to the floor, holding her face, tears forming; she had a look of shock and horror, and no one came to help her. Concordia looked to want to but was hesitated by the mere presence of Ghetsis. Gretel watched her Father leave as she stared blankly at N, traumatised. "What did I do wrong?"

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