Z-A Arc Chapter 9 - The Final Plan

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"You can hear the thoughts of Pokemon!?" Nemona shouted in shock as I looked away, a little embarrassed; it was hard to imagine. I could already see Carmine and Keiran giving me strange looks over such a claim. "Ooh, ooh, what do my Pokemon say? Do they love battling as much as I do?"

"No one loves battling as much as you, Nemona," I mutter, pushing her Pokeball away. "To be honest, it still doesn't make sense to me... So far, it's only been the voices of my own Pokemon and a Paradox Pokemon I was captured with. It's just short sentences, a few words. In the heat of a battle when our willpower is at its peak."

Kieran shook his head with a sigh. "Do you seriously expect us to believe that rubbish? Hearing the thoughts of Pokemon, what made you so special."

Nemona pointed to herself, looking all proud. "Well, I believe Y/N."

"You'd believe anything that boy tells you. He could tell you the Earth is flat, and you'd believe him." Carmine teased.

"It is, isn't it?" She whispered, confused, quickly holding my hands and freaking out. "You and Mimi can talk to each other right now, though, right!?"

I looked to Zorua, her voice there. I could hear it, but it was muffled like there was an interference blocking our connection. However, I could not get one word out of her.

"Shoes... Wait, shoes? What do Shoes get to..." I pause, looking down at Nemona's shoes, chuckling. "Oh, Nemona, your shoes are untied."

Nemona looked down, gasping, quickly tying them up. "Wow! Thanks, Mimi!"

Kieran looked surprised for a moment before crossing his arms and walking away. "Give me a break."

Emma didn't take long to meet with us at the doors to the Pokemon League opening. Diantha was adamant we bring Anastasia to the Pokemon League; she claimed it to be the safest place in the whole region. I wasn't going to argue against it. The grand castle was a sight to behold, a fitting place for the final test for any Pokemon Trainer.

"Please tell me you've got good news."

Emma didn't look like she was going to deliver it. "We stormed the old Team Flare base, but a majority of the supplies were gone. We managed to arrest a large number of Flare members, but we couldn't find any Paradox Pokemon or Zephyr."

I gripped my fist, furious, before just letting it go. "Typical of him, that coward is always running away... Probably back to Giovanni."

"Are you sure he's working for Team Rocket? We've had no confirmation to suggest such a claim."

I nodded along. "He said so himself; he was even gifted an Ultra Beast. Whatever he's working on when it comes to Pokemon Fusion is all for Giovanni's benefit."

"I see. I should tell Looker this; then, they're about to interrogate Anastasia, so maybe she'll give us some hints on what happened now. Malva of the Elite Four is spearheading the questioning."

"Why is the Elite Four launching the interrogation?" Carmine asks, curious. "You're a part of the International Police, right?"

Emma sighed, looking away embarrassed. "Interrogating suspects was never my strong suit. And Malva was quite adamant about doing it herself. I had no reason to say no."

I walked across the room, looking down and seeing Malva talking to Anastasia from her battlefield. Just watching the two made my stomach turn. Something didn't feel right here. "And her Zygarde?"

"Diantha is keeping a close eye on it. We're keeping it inside its Pokeball right now. We're not taking any chances."

"Anastasia managed to transform Zygarde into its 50% form, a Pokemon that strong at just half the power... It's a good thing she didn't gather all the cells."

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