Sword and Shield Arc Chapter 4 - The Man From Rocket

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The colossal stadium buzzed excitedly as the gym battle was in full force. I had the advantage this entire match but I knew Nessa still had a trick up her sleeve, one I had just received the keys to myself. Nessa twirled her Pokeball around getting the crowd roaring as she smirked.

"Don't think we're done so quickly. Show them not to mess with us Drednaw!" 

I clenched my fists, determined to prove myself against her watery arsenal. Turning to Luxio I gave him a nod ready for battle. "Alright, Luxio, let's show them what we're made of!" 

"Drednaw, let's make waves! Start with Liquidation!" Nessa commanded, and her massive Water/Rock-type charged forward, ready to strike. Luxio dodged skillfully, displaying its agility as it danced around the incoming attack.

"Luxio, use Spark! Let's turn up the voltage!" I called out, and Luxio responded with a burst of electricity, striking Drednaw with a jolt of energy. The gym leader's Pokémon roared in response, clearly feeling the power of Luxio's Electric-type move.

Nessa, undeterred, called out her next move, "Aqua Jet, Drednaw!" The Water-type attack propelled Drednaw towards Luxio with incredible speed. Luxio took the hit but stood strong, showing its determination.

"Luxio, give it everything you've got! Wild Charge!" I commanded, and Luxio unleashed a powerful Electric-type move, charging towards Drednaw with electrifying force. The impact was intense, and both Pokémon recoiled from the clash.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that Drednaw wasn't going down without a fight. Nessa and I locked eyes, knowing it was time to bring out the big guns. With a simultaneous nod, we reached for our Dynamax Bands.

"Drednaw, let's make a splash! Dynamax!" Nessa exclaimed as her Pokémon grew to an enormous size, towering over the stadium. The crowd erupted in cheers at the spectacle.

Not one to be outdone, I Dynamaxed Luxio as well. The Electric-type Pokémon transformed into a massive, electrified lion, ready to face off against the colossal Drednaw. The battlefield shook with the power of our Dynamax Pokémon, and the atmosphere was charged with excitement.

"Drednaw, Max Geyser!" Nessa ordered, and a colossal wave crashed down on Luxio. But Luxio, now a towering powerhouse, stood resilient despite the powerful attack.

"Luxio, Max Lightning! Let's finish this!" I declared, and a massive bolt of lightning surged towards Drednaw. The clash of titanic moves echoed through the stadium, but in the end, Luxio's overwhelming power prevailed.

The crowd erupted into cheers as Luxio roared triumphantly, standing tall beside me. Nessa, despite the loss, smiled graciously admitting defeat. Holding her head up high she met with me. "I can certainly see why you've gotten where you have with your team. We never stood a chance."

Shaking my head at this I hold my hand out. "That's not true Nessa, you're strong, no matter what anyone else says."

Taking my hand she shook it acknowledging the compliment. "Coming from a Champion that means a lot. I wish you all the best in your future matches."


Ducking out from the changing rooms Zinnia and Zorua were there waiting for me sitting in the main lobby. Zorua jumped down running over to me as I squatted down patting her. "There you are girl, told you I'd win huh Mimi."

"These gym matches seem rather unfair, don't they? Even when using one of your weaker team members you still won without a single loss." Zinnia commented arms crossed. "They should just put you in the finals and call it a day."

"Aww come on, it wasn't that much of a landslide victory. I have you and Mimi to thank for cheering me on. It may seem easy now but that's only because I had such an advantage with Liligant and Luxio. The Fire and Fairy Gym Leaders might be a different story. Saying that we have rounded up 3 gym badges pretty quickly right? Well, two but Riahan was adamant that the opening match counted and he'd hand me that badge when we meet next. With all the free time how about a picnic? I heard curry is quite the rage here in Galar."

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