Delta Emerald Arc Chapter 11 - End of the Road Part 2

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I couldn't get that sight out of my head. Over and over my failure played out. Deoxys taking her. Consuming her until there was nothing left.

"Why couldn't you save me Y/N? I trusted you. I needed you."

"You killed me. Murderer. Murderer. Murderer!"

Waking up in a frenzy I began panting and looking around. I was back in the contest hall in the dressing room. A set of pillows and blankets had been set up for me, Zorua was fast asleep on my lap calming me down ever so slightly. Holding my head in pain I glanced to my side as Iono came in. "Oh... You're awake."

"Yeah. What happened?"

"When I pulled you in several Deoxys also broke through. They snatched up Lance and Steven. We blocked off the entrance and pulled back into the main hall. You were knocked out during the panic."

"I see... Then that's it then?" I whisper looking at Zorua with a feeling of nothing. "The two Champions are gone. Only a matter of time before we're all next."

Iono tried holding her tongue, I could tell she was trying her best but she refused to rant. "You're a Champion too. Don't you dare lower yourself over any less? You're just as strong no even stronger than those two!"

Zorua had woken up giving a meek bark agreeing. Closing my eyes I sighed nodding along. "Then I better get to work yeah?" 

Climbing out of bed I threw my bag on checking my Pokeballs ushering Zorua onto my shoulder. Heading for the door Iono whispered. "Y/N... I'm sorry about Zinnia."

"Yeah. Me too." Pushing through I made it into the main hall, the place where the contests had taken place, the doors were barricaded with the aid of Pokemon like Machamp and Golem. Everyone else sat in silence, I couldn't blame them, we were now fully trapped. Making it out into the open several eyes were fixed on me. Lisia, other trainers. Children. Walking to the back of the hall onto the stage I met with one of the Nurses from the Pokemon Center looking over the supplies. "How much do we have?"

The Nurse was startled by my sudden appearance taking a deep breath. "Sorry, the good news is the supplies you brought have been enough to heal most of the Pokemon. However, all of our food was in the lobby. We had to leave most of it during the attack. We only have enough for a few days at the most. We're already needing to ration."

It was worse than I thought as I sighed with malice. "Damn it. Ration out everything we have to the children first. Then the elderly, trickle it down from there. Anything else?"

"We have plenty of Pokeballs."

"Pokeballs?" I question seeing boxes of them.

"The Contest Hall also acts as the warehouse for Pokeball storage, this batch was meant for the Poke Mart tomorrow."

Taking out a Pokeball I twirled it around nodding. "Not much we can do with these. Keep up the good work."

"Thank you."

Walking down the stairs I met with Iono throwing her the Pokeball. "Anything from the outside world?"

"Not much, we don't have much communication from within here. The building blocks service to avoid having contests livestreamed." Iono explains. "Do you want us to keep trying?"

"I dunno. Will it even make a difference?" I question stroking Zorua's chin. "Hey girl, go cheer up the kids for me will ya?"

Zorua jumped down heading for the group of scared children. I crossed my arms looking at the door. "I've fought AI copies hellbent on time travelling, mad men in the distortion world and corrupted legendary Pokemon. Each time I knew what to do, it was clear. Now, I have no idea."

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