Scarlet Arc Chapter 9 - Past Meets Future Part 2

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The soft sea breeze was enough for anyone to see, the sunrise was the cherry on top. Sitting on my backpack I watched a new day come Zorua fast asleep next to me. It wasn't a far walk from Jubilife village, not to mention a pretty safe one too. 

"I thought I'd find you here." Professor Laventon commented joining me. "Nothing quite like it huh?"

"No there isn't. Say you're up rather early Professor? Is something wrong?"

"Not in the slightest. It's just nice to get away from it all every once and a while. Also seeing the sea reminds me of home." 

"I forget you and the commander come from another region. You mentioned the Pokemon habituated there but what is it really like?"

This got a small smile from the Professor as he looked down to me. "There's all sort of amazing Pokemon from there. We also have such tall and boyosh tales. Our region's main one was of the Darkest Day. Two brave heroes saved the region from ruin and were crowned kings. It's a story I hold dear and would love hearing as a child."

"Your region sounds incredible... I can't help but be a little jealous."

"Poppycock, Hisui is just as amazing. The wonders, the sight, the Pokemon. What isn't there to love?" He goes on taking in the sea breeze. "You could always visit."

"Leave Hisui? I couldn't do that... I mean, my place is here, my family is here. And besides I have a duty to the Survey Corp's I can't just run off on a stark adventure." I say thinking of every excuse under the sun.

"The duty of the Survey Corp is to explore the unknown and documenting all Pokemon. The way I see it, whether it's here in Hisui or elsewhere far and wide it makes no differences. If you want to see the world then you should go for it. Let nothing hold you back." 

Pondering over this I looked to Zorua smiling. "Maybe I will, I might just do that. Once I find out the mystery of my partner here who knows. There's so much to explore, I wouldn't know where to start!"

"That's the spirit Y/N, come on, we should get back. There's still much to do in investigating these Alpha Pokemon."

Jumping up I woke Zorua up who jumped up my arm sitting on my shoulder. Taking one last look at the sunrise I felt a new sense of excitement. One day I would see it all. One day.

"No time like the present. Let's get to work Mimi."


"Y/N, you're finally here." Professor Sada said, welcoming me into the room. I was expecting her to broadcast from the TV again, but here she was in the flesh. To say I was taken aback is an understatement.

Smiling nervously, I looked to the Director and Nemona stuttering over my words. "Does you being here mean good news?"

"No." She replied coldly. "It is quite the opposite. I bring terrible news; I need your help. Unfortunately, I do not have time for formalities, so I will just say it. We are the reason you were brought here, Y/N."

I could not speak; my head was stuck processing those few words repeatedly. Finally, it was only Nemona speaking for me that drove me back. "What do you mean you are the reason?"

"I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain. It should be better to show you. Y/N, you still have my Koridon with you, correct? And the newly acquired Iron Valiant?"

"O-oh, I do," I mutter, stumbling over and calling both Pokemon out. 

Sada patted Koridon's head nodding. "I'm glad to see you took good care of my Pokemon. They are living proof it worked. Proof of time travel, Koridon comes from the far past and Iron Valiant the far future."

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