Platinum Arc Chapter 3 - Don't Shinx It!

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A new dawn arose as a swarm of Beautifly danced across the crimson sky. Taking a quick picture, I briefly smiled, interrupted by a long yawn. "Another beautiful day, huh, Mimi?"

"I didn't expect you to be up so early." Grunt 1 admitted, rubbing his eyes. "Is there a reason?"

I shook my head in awe. "Nope, I'd always get up this early to prepare for a survey mission. The view is just a perk of the job."

"Well, you definitely can't beat that view."

"Is the Headquarters far from here?"

Grunt 1 shook his head, pointing to just past the valley of flowers. "We've got a temporary base secured just outside Floaroma Town; we're still working on getting our main HQ sorted after losing the one in Veilstone City."

"You lost that, huh? What happened to that?"

The Grunt gagged, turning around and falling silent. "Umm, uh, well, the boss failed to pay rent on time..."

"That sucks, I think? Well, I'm happy to aid in any way I can."

"Good to hear it; it's rare to get recruits, ones as powerful as you are a cherry on top. I'll tell Grunt that we're ready to move."

"Alright, I'll gr-." I was cut off as a strange sense of nostalgia swept over me, followed by a sharp pain behind my eye. I would have thought nothing of it, but I soon noticed that Grunt 1 was doing the same. "Do you feel that?"

"We're both having a migraine at the same time? That normally happens?"

"No..." I paused, seeing a trail of flowers seemingly growing, growing faster than the rest. "That can't be right."

"What the hell? Is this the work of a Pokemon?"

"Could it be? Should we investigate further?"

"I don't like this."

"Oh, come on, Grunt, where's your sense of adventure?"

"I left it at home..."

Following the ever-growing path of flowers, Grunt and I pushed further into the valley. It felt so locked away from the rest of the world. There were no people, Pokemon, or buildings. It felt like nature had taken back what was rightfully theirs. The sense sweeping over me became more assertive, the air heavy with a strange haze lingering over me.

It was faint, nearly invisible to the naked eye, but it looked like reality was waving around. Taking another step forward for a brief moment, my entire surroundings changed. I gasped, stumbling back. Heavy trees surrounded me, yet the flowers were also still all around.

It wasn't a hunch or nostalgia; I recognised this place. There was no doubt about it. This was the Floaro Gardens I was back in the Obsidian Fieldlands.

I kept looking around, speechless. It felt like forever since I had stepped foot in this location, and this reunion would only be brief as everything returned to normal. I stood dumbfounded; what I saw shouldn't have been possible. Did I just time travel? This wasn't like last time with Professor Turo and Sada's time machine; this felt natural.

"Did you see that?" I ask, finally finding the words.

"See what?" Grunt 1 questioned. "You just spaced out for a moment."

"Spaced out? Did I imagine it? Could I have?" I found myself lost in thought; while it might have been hopefully thinking, the yearning to see home one more time, it felt too real. I couldn't have been imagining it.

The flowers began to russel. Mimi jumped off my shoulder, slowly approaching. I looked closer as a Pokemon jumped from the flowers, making us bounce back.

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