Platinum Arc Chapter 6 - 30 Seconds to Mars

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"You're right." I sigh, deflated saying this. "Ice cream does make everything better."

Taking another bite from my cone, I watched people walk by, still caught up on what had happened. Dawn nudged me, almost dropping her sweet treat. "See, I told you. Whenever something has you down, ice cream always makes up for it. Casteliacone only recently came to Sinnoh; I heard they were the biggest thing in Unova for a while. People would line up for hours just in the hopes of being able to purchase one."

Chuckling at this, I shook my head. "All we had to do was wait five minutes, the wonders of Sinnoh."

"To Sinnoh!" Dawn cheered as we continued to eat our ice cream. "Do you have a plan for Team Galactic?"

Browsing through my phone, I looked at her, curious. "Well, you're the expert in taking down the organisation. Do you have any pointers you can give?"

Dawn shook her head, frowning. "I only helped where I could. It was Lucas who saved the day in the end. They stole my Pokedex in Veilstone City, forcing me to tag with Lucas to get them back. When push came to shove, I didn't do much."

"You did more than most people, right? You and Barry, was it?"

"I can't believe we haven't run into that... energetic boy. But, maybe it's for the best; he; he can be a bit much." Dawn chuckles, turning to a disheartened look. "I don't even know where to start; it's not like Team Galatic will just show up out of the blue. I wish Lucas were here..."

"Stop them! They're getting away with my Pokemon! Team Galactic!"

Dropping my ice cream, I jumped up, seeing two grunts running for the city's outskirts. "Spoke too soon, huh? Come on!"

"Y/N, wait!" Dawn shouted, grabbing her bag and darting after me.

Pushing through crowds of people, I wouldn't let Team Galactic leave my sight this time. Finally, making it outside of the city, I saw them getting away. "Stop! Mimi, shake them up."

Zorua jumped from my shoulder, running faster, getting in between the Galactic members and Oreburgh tunnel. Both stopped, stunned. "What the!"

"I said stop! I won't let you get away again, Team Galactic!" I shout Zorua, growling at them. "Give that Pokemon you stole back."

"No way, we stole it fair and square!"

Readying to battle, Zorua turned around and saw a woman with red hair appear from the tunnel. She wore the same sort of Galactic uniform, but it was torn and dirty, covered by a long trenchcoat. Her hair was long down by her side. The appearance raised the spirits of the Galactic members. "Commander Mars! Thank Arcues you're here; this twerp caught us!"

Mars looked at me, shaking her head. "Give him back the Pokemon."

"Wh- but Commander Mars, why?"

Mars looked down at the grunts, a Pokeball in hand. "We are looking to build a new, better world; stealing Pokemon won't be needed. So give it back; that's an order not as a Commander but as the new boss of Team Galactic."

"Y-yes." They spoke, releasing the Pokemon.

I looked to my left as Dawn caught up, panting. "Finally caught up to you."

Mars' eye began twitching, seeing Dawn. "If it isn't the little child who ruined our plans last time, that must make you the recruit Jupiter mentioned. Already betraying us, I see."

"I'd never side with terrorists who steal other people's Pokemon!" I snap, Zorua running to my side.

"I don't understand; we beat you. Cynthia told us what had happened. Cyrus was pulled into the Distortion World, never to be seen again. You lost!" Dawn reminded, furious.

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