Sun and Moon Arc Chapter 3 - The First Ultra Wormhole

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I kept fidgeting with my new police badge inspecting the front and back while Alola passed us by. Putting it down I leaned back in my chair peering out of the bus with a sigh. "It can never be straightforward forward, can it? There's always something I have to clean up. It's getting tiring if you ask me."

"Oh, but you enjoy it." Zinnia teased nudging me. "We'll find this imposter and bring him to justice. Mark my words."

"I suppose you're right," I say with another sigh now holding my only partner aside from Zorua in hand. "I'm still stumped on who would pretend to be me. It's worrying... I'm not like a super celebrity or anything, it can only mean whoever this is knows me."

"Made any long branching enemies I should know about? An evil twin brother?"

"Don't mock me with such rubbish." I scoffed standing up as the bus came to a halt. "Whoever it is, I want to find out why."

Ducking out of the bus Zorua ran ahead looking around. We were dropped off just outside the next city. A boat and bus ride just to get here. Whoever we were meeting I sure hope it was worth our time.

Taking the first steps in Henhea City two suspicious figures caught my eye. They looked like a bunch of hooligans squatting outside a shop wearing masks and necklaces with a skull logo. One nudged the other pointing to us. "Heads up Zinnia... Trouble."

The two troublemakers approached waving their arms around and shouting. "Well look what we got here. A bunch of nobodies thinking they can walk up without paying the toll."

"You tell 'em, since you're new around here we'll cut you some slack. We'll let you pass if you hand over 50,000. Sounds fair to me."

Glancing to my badge I shrugged, worth a shot. "I'm codenamed Hisui and this is Lorekeeper of the International Police, blackmail won't go past us."

Both shady figures stepped back eyes widened. One began frowning obviously annoyed. "What the heck? Since when could a bunch of kids pass as cops in this day and age? You're pulling our leg ain't ya?"

"I don't know, they look real to me. I don't want to go to prison."

"Then we'll have to beat 'em down and make an escape. Even with Guzma Team Skull will never back down!"

"Oh great... Another evil team, if I had a revive for every evil team I meet I would have three, that's three too many."

"Stand down you two." A boy barked approaching from behind us, he had black-on-black matching quite a try-hard look. Not to mention covering half his face with that stupid hairstyle... Alola's fashion scene is weird.

"You are?"

"That detective guy told me you two would be coming. I'm Gladion." He responded turning to the Team Skull members. "I cannot be there to drag you out of trouble every time you know. Get out of here, now!"

"The new guy is no fun. I miss Guzma." They both grumbled storming off.

"You're the asset we were meant to be meeting with?"

"Were you expecting someone else?"

"Almost defiantly," Zinnia said immediately not impressed. "Are we some kind of joke to Looker? They are just messing with us."

"Let's... Let's hear him out, who knows he might know something. Heaven forbid we could do with a single clue."

Gladion crossed his arms seemingly annoyed by my appearance. "I don't know what sort of games the International Police are playing, but sending the suspect to investigate his own crime. What a joke."

"Wait, suspect? You saw me at the crime scene?"

"Playing innocent won't get you anywhere. You got in my sister's way, the only thing she has going for her and you aim to destroy it. Arghhh! I'll show you how angry you make me!"

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