Platinum Arc Chapter 8 - One Bad Dream

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Dozens of police trucks swerved into Canalave City as hordes of police officers flooded throughout the city. Finally, the exits were secured, and all boats halted. Looker stepped up, adjusting his jacket and approaching the Pokemon Center. "This is Looker reporting in; what is the situation, Officer?"

"We've forbidden all entry into the city and reached out to all fishing boats to halt their returns until after the evacuation. We're searching each resident building, but no sign of Team Galactic."

"Very good; we don't have long before the Time Distortion hits; if we want to get everyone out, we need to hurry," Looker ordered, pointing to the other officers. "Someone contact Byron; we need that gym shutdown and any challengers gone immediately. Our task force should be here any moment."

The last truck pulled up as Looker met with his team.


Jumping from the truck, I covered my face from the blinding sun. "So this is Canalave City, huh? Another dock city."

Professor Rowan ducked down, exiting and picking up his suitcase. "We have an hour until the Time Distortion hits; while you begin to the evacuation, I shall search the library for any information we might have missed."

"Akari and I shall help get everyone out and be the line of defence in case Team Galactic shows up."

"You all know what to do; let's move it!"

Turning to our transportation, I knocked on the side. "Akari, time to go."

Akari hesitantly got out, taking a deep breath. "Here we go again."

Inspecting the city, I already saw the international police holding the area down with the gym and dock secured. Then, meeting with Looker, he cleared his throat. "There you are, Y/N, Akari; this is Officer Jenny. She is in charge of this operation."

Officer Jenny nodded, shaking our hands. "Thanks for coming; we're at our wits' end when it comes to Time Distortions. Looker tells me you're the experts."

"We've dealt with our fair few. Has Team Galactic been spotted as of late?"

"Not that we're aware of. A small group of them were spotted just over two weeks ago, but nothing after that." She responded, finger to her earpiece. "But we have another problem to top it up. We can't get any of the residents to evacuate."

"But you have told them that they're all in danger, right?" Akari said arms crossed. "Why stay?"

"Families are refusing to leave their bed-bound loved ones. Overs are too afraid that a bad omen would occur if they did. Yet, all the reports are lining up; all the residents of Canalave City have bad dreams."

My eyes widened, and my heart sank as I stared in disbelief. "What?"


"Two weeks ago, there was a Time Distortion over Iron Island and the surrounding Fullmoon and Newmoon Islands. Luckily, no one was around to be caught in the incident, but reports started flickering in about the children having horrible nightmares." Officer Jenny explained all of us were taking refuge in the library. "Over time, the reports only grew until everyone was experiencing the same symptoms."

"Darkrai. It's always Darkrai." I muttered in defeat, looking at the books on the Nightmare Pokemon. "We experienced similar happenings in Hisui long ago. It got so bad we almost had to abandon Jublife Village and, in turn, Hisui itself."

"Is Darkrai a common threat around here?" Akari asked, curious. "You mentioned the islands."

"Fullmoon and Newmoon Island. Yes, it's named after the Pokemon that supposedly live there. Over the many decades, we've had reports of troubled dreams plaguing the people of Canalave City, but never to this scale. Never this often."

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