Platinum Arc Chapter 1 - Home Sweet Home

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The world of Pokemon! A spinning globe of wonderment home to an infinite array of creatures too varied to fully comprehend. Hundreds, perhaps thousands! Meticulously fashioned by the forces of nature in all its glory as only nature can, and no matter what corner of the world you find yourself, rest assured you'll discover Pokemon there as well.

They were soaring overhead, skimming the clouds, riding the currents undersea, sharing the mountain's majesty and animating our many lush green forests. They happily make their homes in fields of grass, and even our spiralling cities are teeming with them. 

People and Pokemon find common ground, sharing the goal of victory in a Pokemon Battle and fighting to become friends, comrades, and Pokemon Masters. This now brings us to the next chapter in one trainer's journey.

Y/N L/N of Jubilife Village and his partner Zorua are working side by side, catching Pokemon and perfecting the art of the battle, all while trying to find a way home once and for all as for every new Pokemon he discovers a new adventure is just around the corner.

And that's just what is to come as deep within the Sinnoh region, a devious plot is taking shape, one that is said to change the very course of history forever.


Dusk had just settled as night was creeping in, looming over Veilstone City Prison, moonlight shuns down on a certain former Galatic Commander's cell, catching her attention. Mars peered out, getting a small glimpse of the outside world with a longwinded sigh. "How did this happen? A new world... It was so close; Cyrus would have had it in his grasp if it wasn't for those twerps."

Mars paused, sitting back down, deflated. "Cyrus. Why did you have to leave us? Why couldn't you take me with you?"

Curled up, Mars played around with her food as two correctional officers patrolled the area. "I wish you came back to us."

A sharp pain rippled through Mars' head, making her grunt. The room was spinning, or was it her imagination? She couldn't deny that fact for much longer as a small crack in reality appeared. Mars stood up, startled, keeping her distance. The crack was faint, fading in and out, but there nonetheless. Not wanting to get any closer, Mars backed away only to hear a voice whisper.

"Fffff. Ffff."

Mars didn't want to jump to conclusions, but in her mind, she recognised it from anywhere. "Cyrus?"

"Fff- Free me. Free me." 

The crack expanded, consuming the entire cell in darkness. Time came to a halt as Mars saw him; in her mind, she saw the man she'd follow to the world's end.

Team Galatic's leader Cyrus.

"Free me!"

The bars shattered, and every cell in the block was freed. Mars was shell-shocked, stepping out one step closer to freedom. The alarms began to sound as other Team Galatic members started looking around. Each one noticed a Pokeball on the floor. Their partner Pokemon.

Mars picked hers up, cracking a sinister smile. "I hear you, I hear you. Consider it done; Team Galatic will rise again."


The fresh ocean air woke me from my slumber; the sound of Wingull flying past was a welcome sound to ease me out of bed. I rubbed my eyes, yawning. "Land ahoy!"

I gasped, throwing my clothes on, hopping on one foot and getting my shoes on as Zorua ran around barking excitedly. Then, wrapping a scarf around my neck, I took a deep breath, standing at the door. "Are you ready, Mimi? The Sinnoh region is waiting for us. Home, let's see what's changed!"

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