Black & White Part 1 Chapter 8 - The Perfect Ruler

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I hadn't touched my shortcake anxiety building more; my leg was shaking as I tried processing. Everything is thrown at me. During this, Zorua had curled up on my lap, allowing me to stroke her just to calm me down. "I don't get it... You're telling me you all found nothing in the caves? Are you absolutely sure? You double-checked?"

Iris nodded, crossing her arms together. "Clay and his miners scavenged the Chargestone caves for hours; there was no sign of a hidden cave system like the one you described."

"But that's impossible. Perhaps they all missed something. I should check myself. I would feel better if I checked." As I get up, I drop my bag, and it begins to vibrate. Putting it on the table, I notice the Stone Colton gave me in the past is reacting. This instantly gets Gretel's attention. She picks it up and looks at it as if she has seen a long-forgotten family photo. "What is this? How do you have this!"

I sat back down with a sigh. I didn't even look at the stone; I just pointed at it, still feeling frustrated regarding the MissingNo case. "It's as I said: When I went back to the past, I met this girl. She was carrying it for research purposes. She called it the God Stone. I don't quite know myself, though."

Gretel stared at it blankly. "She's telling the truth. Ghetsis was obsessed with the idea of these stones. The three Dragons of Unova, it was said hundreds of years ago, two heroes were chosen by the legendary Dragon, but both sought different ways of ruling their kingdom. One through truth, the other through ideal. Because of this, the Original Dragon split in two, the Pokemon we know today being Zekrom and Reshiram, but there were also talks of a third—a husk with no ambition, Kyruem. Team Plasma had used one of these Dragons in the hope of tricking the masses into releasing their Pokemon four years ago. And then, just two years after they captured Kyruem, they tried ruling Unova again."

Iris nodded grimly. "I remember that. It's crazy to think it was already two years ago. They froze my hometown with the power of Kyruem."

Holding the God Stone up high, Gretel inspected it. "Lesser known legends speak of the heroes coming into contact with such Stone before. Their ambition was enough to wake the Dragon and free it. I believe this is the real thing. Such power, what Ghetsis would have planned with this."

Gretel paused, looking at me troubled, and blushed faintly. "I apologise. Growing up, Ghetsis made sure to drill in those stories for when I was groomed into becoming their Queen."

"So your Father really was Ghetsis... That must have been hard." Nemona whispered in a soft tone.

"Ghetsis is not my father!" Gretel snapped, gripping the Stone close to her. "Excuse me... That man was anything but a father to me; he had pampered me up so much with expectations and promises, only to throw me aside when my brother came into the picture. He became their King, and well... You know the rest."

"That must have been hard on you, Gretel. I'm sorry."

Gretel handed me back the Stone. She shook her head. "There's no need. I broke away from that vile monster and lived by my standards. I refuse even to humour the idea of Team Plasma bringing him back from hiding if they were to discover this Stone was in your possession. I don't even want to think about that outcome; it would be in everyone's interest if you kept hold of it."

I gave a faint nod, keeping it safe. "I don't think Team Plasma will be too much of an issue considering. I've already dealt with the Shadow Triad, and you said the Sages were arrested, correct?"

Iris nodded as I shrugged it off. "Then our priority should be MissingNo; we can leave Team Plasma to you and the gym leaders then?"

"They won't even be an issue. We'll take care of the rest. What are you going to do regarding the MissingNo case then?"

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