Delta Emerald Arc Final Chapter - Rebirth

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It hadn't taken long for word to spread. A whole town plagued with an outbreak of a mythical Pokemon from space is sure a story to hear. But just as quickly as word spread so did aid. People from all around the over came to help the survivors. Unova, Sinnoh, Johto and Kanto. Everyone did their part, people and Pokemon. As the town was rebuilt and people reunited I watched on just amazed.

One of the Nurses from the Pokemon Center was doing a checkup on me wrapping a bandage around my head and arm. "Thank you, Nurse Joy."

"No thank you. You're both in tip-top shape." She proudly exclaimed treating Zorua as well.

Leaning back I stretched shaking my head. "I seriously cannot get over it."

"Take it in, this is what it's all about," Iono said standing beside me looking down giving me the biggest smile. "The wonderful world of Pokemon."

"Team Galatic, Team Magma, Aqua and most recently Team Phoenix... I began to think the future was a horrid place where Pokemon had resulted in a means to an end for horrible people. I'm not going to pretend it isn't. But I look here and I see this. People and Pokemon working together, friends till the end and I just know Zephyr was wrong. We already live as equals, right here and now. The future is in safe hands."

"I'm glad you put so much faith in us." She nodded. "I don't want to be that person, but I need to go. Now communication and flights are back on the menu Chairman Geeta wants me back. I've neglected my duties for a bit too long."

"What about your fans?"

"They'll... Get over it. I hope."

"Send everyone my love at home."

Iono nodded patting my back. "Of course, you better visit before you find a way home."

"That's a promise."

And like that Iono had left, running off with her manager and security team onto the next wild adventure. "Somethings never change." 

Standing up I decided to start helping out by carrying boxes of food and medicine to the market which was now being used as a stand for survivors to stock up. There I bumped into Steven ordering boxes of stones around. "Ahh, Y/N, I would have thought you'd move on by now."

"I couldn't just turn tails and run when people need me here. We all went through the same thing, everyone needs to help each other out. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here."

"I respect that," Steven admitted rubbing his chin. "You are a true Champion in my eyes, young man. I've had to keep an eye on the two team leaders as of late. They vanished shortly after the Shadow Pokemon outbreak looking to harness the weather duo's power to save Hoenn. Both hearts are in the right place but... Ahh, I'm sure it will be alright."

"What about Team Phoenix?" I ask.

"We've rounded up most of the followers, Gym Leaders and Elite Four alike are tasking themselves with bringing in the last. We recently arrested one who goes by Miror B. He'll be sure to give us all the information on the plans."

"And Zephyr?"

Steven shook his head. "We have yet to find him. Don't you worry about him, I'll make it my personal mission to find and bring him to justice. Now the Shadow Pandemic is over we can begin to move on. Zinnia was very helpful in providing the Purfied Pokeball, we're going to get it mass-produced at Devon Co. No more will people or Pokemon have to worry about the Shadow Pokemon problem again."

Nodding along I closed my eyes smiling. "That's good to hear. I can move on with no loose ends... Say, speaking of Zinnia, where is she?"

"That girl is a mystery I'll say that. Twice now has she saved us asking for nothing in return. She's already leaving."

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