Black & White Part 2 Chapter 2 - Nightmare 001 - Buried Alive

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The Other World
What Remains of the Paldea Region
Area Zero

The elevator came to a screeching halt. Echos of light began flickering on and off as I was forced to pull open the elevator doors. Walking into the central lab, a handful of scientists and assistants were working, all studying technology. Gretel walked in beside me, whispering, "What is this place?"

"This here, well, this here would have been the Time Machine Professor Sada constructed and attempted to use to find her Husband Turo, who was lost to time. I ended up being pulled into the present instead. We can leave that story for another day. This is my world; it's the only world I can travel to and from due to the patchy nature of the Ultra Space tech I put together. It isn't nearly as refined as the stuff Giovanni has under Rainbow Rocket, but it will do."

"So this place exists in my world, too?"

"Yes, your Y/N would have had the same thing happen to him. Instead, he was pulled from the past into the future. When we discovered this place still existed, we began researching the matter, trying to get the Time Machine to run again, but without the Violet Book, it's been... Complicated, we've hit many roadblocks, and to be honest, we're not even sure if it will ever work." I sigh, arms crossed, watching the work being done. "If we are to bring him back, we need this to work."

Gretel was still confused as she looked around, whispering. "Why did we need to come to your world? Couldn't we have used Ho-Oh's power in my world?"

"Not long after Team Rocket fell, a trainer had already caught Ho-Oh. We have no idea who or when the Pokemon was caught. Leading a search like that would take too long. Do we know if said trainer would even work with us? Not to mention other complications."

"Other complications?"

Colress walked up the stairs by the side of the lab, holding a tablet and nodding. "Ho-Oh's resurrection power is said to only work on somebody who has passed within One hour. Leave it any longer, and the chances become slim. Searching for Ho-Oh's trainer wouldn't be ideal. Travelling to this world and working there gives us all the time we need; we can return to your world like we weren't even gone for ten minutes. Time through Ultra Space works differently."

"I'm so lost here... But..." Gretel took a deep breath, nodding along. "So we capture Ho-Oh in this world and bring it back to mine so we can save Y/N? Why do we need a Time Machine for that?"

"Because Pokemon in my world are Extinct, and they have been for over 100 years. I don't know much of what happened. But stories suggest an unknown Pokemon—a monster who awoke and drove the entire world into chaos. It wiped Alola and Unova off the map like that. The other regions weren't far behind. Paldea got the least of it, but even then, Pokemon don't exist anymore. All because of MissingNo."

"Wait, that was happening back home. I remember Y/N telling me he was tasked with finding and containing this MissingNo. Is that going to happen to my world, too?"

"No," I shut down, frustrated. We won't let it; things are different this time. You have your world's Y/N. I had intended to use this Time Machine to save my world, too. But time cannot be changed like that. It isn't possible; it will always correct itself. But that doesn't rule out the fact that our salvation lies in the past."

"You want to travel back in time to catch Ho-Oh? Is something like that even possible?"

I looked away, slightly conflicted, unsure what to say, as Colress once again picked up the pieces for me. "Ho-Oh was never captured in this timeline; during the fall of all Regions, many organisations flocked to Johto to prevent the end of all Pokemon. Johto became the last region to fall; everyone battled in the hopes of using Ho-Oh to save them. In the end, the battles only doomed them all. The idea would be to send you both 48 hours before the Fall of Johto, and you capture Ho-Oh and get back to us. Since Ho-Oh never saved the world, your interference wouldn't be seen as changing history; it would be possible."

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