Black & White Part 1 Chapter 6 - The Trainer Out of Time

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"Liligant, don't let them get away!" Scrambling to my feet, I was already giving chase, darting between the small crowd of people running away. Ingo and Colton weren't far behind me as the Shadow Triad were fleeing. Their dark cloaks fluttered behind them as they gracefully bounded from rooftop to rooftop, their destination clear - the boat docked by the beach, their escape route.

With determination burning in my chest, I urged my Liligant forward, her graceful strides matching my urgency. The houses I knew, like the back of my hand, flew past us in a blur as we chased after the Triad members, the sound of our footsteps echoing off the weathered walls.

"Come back here, you cowards!" I shouted, urging my Liligant to keep pace as we bounded after them.

The Triad members turned to face me, their eyes glinting with malicious intent. Without a word, they each released their Pokémon, two menacing Bisharp that stood ready to defend their masters. I stopped in my tracks as a stray Steel Beam blasted us. Covering my face, I coughed, seeing the Pokemon Day Care destroy a handful of the wild Pokemon charging out and stampeding through the village.

I looked horrified, gritting my teeth. "You bastards! Liligant, do it!" With a graceful twirl, Liligant unleashed a flurry of Petal Dance, the vibrant petals swirling around her in a dazzling display of power. The Bisharp dodged and weaved, their movements as swift and precise as their masters'.

"Y/N!" I didn't even pay attention to my mother calling for me as I kept pace with them. I wasn't about to back down. As the battle unfolded, blows and attacks took out buildings around us, sending debris flying in all directions. I gave chase on foot, sliding in between the gaps of the buildings, climbing over steep fences and jumping between the destroyed bridge. Curling another Pokeball, I tossed it high in the air. "Luxray, don't let them get away!"

Sliding around the corner, a set of rubble knocked me down, winding me. Bleeding from my forehead, I struggled to get up. Eventually, Ingo was there to aid me, helping me up. "I got you, kid; where are they headed?"

I looked up, seeing them fleeing for the main gate with Colton's supplies. There was enough there to max out a team of Pokemon, and who knows what else Colton had. "T-They're heading for the boats! They're going to escape."

Climbing to my feet, we continued to give chase, the Shadow Triad getting away more and more. "Luxray, a quick thunderbolt!" Luxray dived off my house, blistering a tremendous bolt of electricity towards the Bisharps. The force of the attack sent them staggering back, one even dropping the bag. But they quickly recovered, retaliating with a barrage of Metal Claws that sliced through the air with deadly precision.

I gritted my teeth, my heart pounding with adrenaline as I dodged and weaved through the onslaught. We were evenly matched, each side refusing to give an inch in our relentless pursuit. Colton had caught up to us, seeing her research scattered all around. She looked horrified as a grey stone fell out, rolling over. The Shadow Triad members also took note of their entire plan shifting. "Don't let them get that stone!" She shouted.

"Liligant!" I shouted as she skidded across the floor, managing to catch it just in time, throwing it to us as a Night Slash blasted her. Running backwards, I jumped up, seeing it, almost falling into the small river behind me. Just holding this rock made me feel strange. It wasn't normal; it had a heavy power dwindling on me. A sense of truth and ideals. What the hell was this thing?

Colton finally reached us, panting and looking at me gratefully. "Thank Arceus, the God Stone is safe."

"God Stone? What the hell are you carrying in that bag of yours?" I whisper, noticing the Shadow Triad isn't running anymore. They were utterly fixated on this stone. "What are you plotting here? You accidentally get dragged into the past and are already causing mayhem? What do you hope to achieve with that?"

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