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a/n: Hi everyone! I am so so sorry that I ghosted you all for almost 2 years. I had to get my life straight and had major writer's block, but I am not giving up on this story. I will eventually finish it, and I think to insure that happens I'm going to make the chapters a lot shorter. I hope by doing this it will help motivate me to put out chapters quicker. There is still a lot to happen before I can finish Sinful. To those of you who have stuck around, I appreciate and love all of you. I know how frustrating it is when an author doesn't update a story in a long time, so thank you for still reading!

Light flooded through the windows of the lake house, angled perfectly as the sun began to make its journey down the sky

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Light flooded through the windows of the lake house, angled perfectly as the sun began to make its journey down the sky. Klaus was caught in a daze, completely enamored by the love of his life sleeping peacefully in his arms. The light was illuminating her, as though she really was the angel he knew her to be. They were on the couch in the living room, sitting silently, while Hayley was in the other room searching through the papers and pictures they had found moments before. Klaus brushed hair off of Audrey's face and smiled as she scrunched her nose up and turned to bury her face into his chest. He held her close and leaned down to kiss her head lovingly. The smell of her lavender shampoo and conditioner flooded his nose, filling him with the familiar comfort their bond brought them. He hadn't notice her waking up until her arms were snaked around his waist and she was pressed closer to him. "Can we just stay like this forever?" She mumbled nuzzling against him.

"We have all of eternity together." Klaus reminded her with a playful smirk. She giggled and finally looked up at him. The moment their eyes met it was as though they were the only two people in the world. Love wrapped around them like the warm embrace they had each other in. Audrey reached up to caress his face and sat up so she could be eye level with him.

"There's no other way I'd rather spend my life than by your side, my love." She proclaimed with a loving smile. "I'm sorry I've been such a mess-," She started, but Klaus cut her off by kissing her deeply. When he pulled away he brought one of his hands up to caress her face.

"You don't ever need to apologize for grieving, Audrey. You could completely crumble and I would still be here to pick up all the pieces." Klaus assured her with the upmost confidence. As though she could love him even more, then he goes saying something like that? "You have my heart, body, and soul, love. I'd-," Lips met his before he could finish, not that he minded. He desperately missed his soulmate's loving affections. They began to get lost in each other, like they always do whenever they found themselves in this position. Sucked into a bubble of love, neither of them heard Hayley step into the room.

"Well, I see you seem to be feeling better." Hayley commented teasingly. Audrey immediately pulled back from Klaus, blushing madly as she looked towards her. "I found something if you wanna take a look." Audrey nodded, unable to find words as she composed herself and climbed off of her soulmate's lap. She followed Hayley into the study, noticing how nearly everything had been pulled out of the trunk. Laid across the desk was a huge piece of parchment paper. As Audrey got closer she realized it was a giant family tree. The Labonair Family Tree to be exact. It was huge, it covered the entire desk and even went off the sides

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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