After School Special

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Tears rolled down Audrey's face as she sat beside Elena in the gym. Today they were having a memorial service for Mayor Lockwood. Liz, Caroline's mom stood before the students and sighed. "Carol Lockwood always said that togetherness, in times of tragedy, leads to healing. That one community is stronger than a thousand of its members. But how does a community stay strong after losing its leader? And Carol was so much more than just a mayor. She open minded friend..., and a concerned mother, taken from us too soon by a terrible accident," Liz said solemnly. Tyler growled and stood up from his seat quickly.

"Screw this," He huffed before storming out of the gym. Elena, Bonnie, and Audrey glanced at Caroline who shook her head at them.

"Please join me in observing a minute of silence in her memory," Liz said to everyone. Everyone put their head down and stayed quiet. Elena looked to the side and caught a glimpse of Rebekah. She did a double take but no one was there. Had she imagined the blonde original?

"Are you okay?" Audrey asked her sister when she noticed how panicked she looked.

"I'll be right back," Elena muttered before getting up and leaving.

"Thank you very much. In the wake of this tragedy, the town has selected an interim mayor. Many of you already know him. Please welcome, Mr. Rudy Hopkins!" Liz welcomed. Everyone clapped as he joined Liz on stage. Audrey couldn't listen to any more of the bullshit so she stood up and left the gym. She walked slowly down the hall, her body dragging itself like dead weight. Lately she had felt drained and empty, as if she were a shell of her old self walking around. Memories of Klaus's bloody face flashed in her mind. The body of Mayor Lockwood laying in the fountain haunted her. How could he do it? She was innocent.

"Audrey!" A voice called out. Audrey stopped and turned to see April coming towards her.

"Oh hey April," She smiled softly.

"I saw you leave and wanted to come check on you. Today's been hard on me too," April said kindly.

"I'm doing okay, but thank you. I appreciate it," Audrey answered tiredly.

"That's good! Hey so I know about Elena being a vampire," April stated casually. Audrey's eyes widened and she took a step back.

"Wha-?" She began but a hand covering her mouth stopped her. A towel was placed over her nose and slowly her vision began to blur.

"I know all about how you two lied to me too," April said as Audrey faded out of consciousness. Rebekah held the human up as she passed out, she shot April a smirk before carrying Audrey into the library where Caroline and Elena waited.

"Audrey!" They shouted once they saw their knocked out friend.

"What did you do to her?!" Elena shouted at Rebekah.

"Relax she's fine," Rebekah snapped. She tore the necklace and bracelet off Audrey before dropping her on the ground. "All this time together and Nik still doesn't fully trust her, giving her bracelets and necklaces with vervain so she wont ingest any. All so he can still compel her if needed be," Rebekah rolled her eyes before nudging Audrey with her foot. "Wake up princess," She said sarcastically. Audrey began to slowly wake up, eyes widening when she realized what happened.

"Rebekah, what the hell?!" She shouted standing up weakly. Rebekah grabbed her shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

"You will answer all of my questions honestly. You will not leave this room and you will do everything I say," Rebekah compelled before pushing the human into her sister and best friend.

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