The Start Of It All

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"Audrey are you coming?" Caroline Forbes asked her best friend. Audrey  Gilbert had been staring at the sky and had zoned everything out.  Tonight was her first high school bonfire and she wasn't sure how she  felt about it yet. Elena, her older sister was reigning queen of Mystic  Falls High School. She was captain of the cheerleading squad dating the  captain of the football team. Her life was like a movie. Audrey grew up  always wanting to be exactly like her sister. She wanted to be the  beautiful cheerleader that everyone in school loved. "Audrey!" Finally  Audrey snapped out of it and turned to her friend. "Come on, the fire  already started," Caroline laughed tugging her best friend to the party.  Elena and Matt were on the opposite side of the fire all cuddled up.

         "Hey Audrey," A male voice called out. She turned to find Tyler  Lockwood walking over to her. He was a year older than her and has  always thought he was better than everyone else. "Damn, you look amazing  tonight," She was tempted to roll her eyes but she held it back.

         "Thank you Tyler. You never fail to let me know that though," She  chuckled sarcastically. Tyler shrugged and stepped closer to her.  Everyone in Mystic Falls knows everyone. In a town like this you grow up  together, and Tyler has always seen Audrey as Elena's less attractive  younger sister. It wasn't until last year that she caught his eye. She  got her braces off and thinned out and now she was gorgeous.

         "Ya know, most girls would find that flattering," He teased. Audrey  didn't hold back the eye roll this time and turned to him with a smirk.

         "Didn't you hear? I'm not like most girls," That being said she walked  away from him. She needed a break from Tyler Lockwood's excessive  flirting for a while and ventured to the cooler. She opened the lid to  find beers and wine coolers scattered everywhere. She grabbed the  strongest thing she could find and instantly began to chug it down. When  she reached for a second one a hand stopped her.

        "Whoa there little Gilbert," Matt's voice laughed softly. "Elena will kill you if she sees that you're drinking,"

         "I'm 16 almost 17 Matthew. I think that's a respectable age to start  drinking," She laughed reaching for her drink but he kept it out of  reach again. "I'm serious Audrey. Stop," Audrey frowned and stomped away  from her sister's boyfriend like a child. What gave him the right to  tell her what to do? Why did everyone feel the need to treat her like  some kind of child? She was almost 17 for crying out loud. She knew  Elena did it because she's always been protective, but why everyone  else? As Audrey walked along she hadn't realized someone was following  her until she heard a voice.

        "Little Gilbert, where are you off to?" She instantly wanted to punch a wall at the voice she heard.

         "Leave me alone Tyler, I'm not in the mood," She growled picking up the  pace in her walk. She had a lot of reasons not to like Tyler. For one,  he bullied her younger brother Jeremy, and second he was too arrogant.  Tyler Lockwood thought he could get any girl, because he usually did.  Audrey wasn't dumb enough to play into his charm though and that's what  made her so interesting to him.

        "Well that's too bad. I  didn't follow you out here for nothing," He laughed. She stopped walking  and turned to face him. By this point they were in the middle of an  empty road. The fire was a few meters away and only forest surrounded  them.

        "So why did you follow me?" She asked, not knowing if she'd like the answer or not. She probably wouldn't though.

         "So I could do this," He made an advance to kiss her but she pushed him  back. He tried again and again she pushed him away.

         "Stop it Tyler," She said backing away from him. He frowned and  continued walking towards her. How dare she reject him. In Tyler's mind  he had been nothing but nice to her and now she was denying him? He  went to kiss her again but this time he used more force. He pinned her  arms to her side and forcefully pressed against her. She tried anything to push  him off of her but Tyler had a lot more muscle on him than she did.  Tears began to well in her eyes as he continued his ravishing.

         "I think you're suppose to stop when a girl tells you to," A voice said  behind them. Tyler turned his head and frowned at the stranger talking  to them. Audrey looked forward and saw that the guy had an almost dark  atmosphere to him.

        "Who the fuck even are you?" Tyler snapped. "Besides she needed to be taught a lesson,"

         "Hmm, I'm not sure it's her who needs a lesson," Before either of them  could blink the guy had Tyler by his throat. He raised him in the air  like he was weightless and all Audrey could do was look in shock. "Now,  leave this girl alone and never harass her again," Audrey waited for  Tyler to say something smart but when the guy set him down he just  nodded and walked away quietly. She was even more shocked than before.  "Are you alright?" She looked at the guy and found that he was probably  one of the most handsome guys she's ever seen. He looked a few years  older, probably mid 20s. His dark, shaggy, blonde hair gave him a boyish  look as it swept down his forehead. He had dark blue eyes and a smile  that could melt anyone. When she realized she hadn't replied to his  question she blushed with embarrassment.

        "Oh um...yeah," She said quietly. "Thank you," The mystery guy smiled and stepped towards her.

         "I'm Klaus by the way," He smirked. Audrey didn't know what to say. His  accented voice was doing something to her and she didn't know how she  felt about it. The way he spoke captivated her. His voice, so deep and  smooth, had her leaning towards him.

        "Audrey," She greeted back.

        "Audrey," He said as if he were testing her name out. "I like that. It's as beautiful as you are,"

         "Oh my god," She blushed. "Quite the charmer I see," Klaus felt proud  for causing such a reaction from the girl. Something about her reminded  him of his human life. He couldn't understand why though. Maybe it was  her innocence. "So Klaus what brings you to Mystic Falls?"

        Klaus smiled. "I was looking for something," He said evasively. "Just like you are,"

        "What?" She asked clearly confused.

         "You're looking for adventure. You're tired of everyone holding you  back and you want to have a little bit of fun," Audrey was amazed at how  well he described her without even knowing her. Had he got that  impression of her after just a couple minutes of meeting her?

         She smirked and crossed her arms. "Oh yeah? And what are you looking  for?" In a blink he was in front of her and she gasped at the sudden  movement. His fingers lightly grazed her cheek and he couldn't help but  sigh.

        "I think a part of me wants to find something worth living for,"  Klaus lied. "To feel something again," Audrey stared at him in awe.  Klaus brushed her hair back and looked her in the eyes. He was ready to compel her to have a snack before leaving but the way she looked at him stopped his movements. Something kept him back from killing the girl and he didn't want to dwell on it for too long. So he cleared his throat and offered a smile. "I can't believe  I'm even telling you this but it doesn't matter because you won't  remember this anyway," It was as if Audrey had closed her eyes for a few  moments and everything went blank. When she opened them again she  looked around wondering why she was in the middle of the road alone.  Something felt off but she ignored the feeling and went back to the  party.

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