The Departed

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Audrey sat anxiously beside Elena and grabbed her hand. No matter how much they fought, they were still sisters. "I don't know what'd I do without you, Lena," All Audrey wanted was to go back to when everything was simple and easy. Back when her parents were still alive and there weren't any vampires in her life. Jeremy watched from outside the room and sighed. How did this happen to them?

       "She's gonna be fine. She got a little banged up today, hit her head, but it was just a slight concussion, nothing to worry about," Meredith said to Jeremy, trying to comfort him.

       "But she collapsed, there was blood," Jeremy said worriedly.

       "Honestly, Jeremy, she's okay. She's just...she's been through a lot. Is there anyone you want to call?" Meredith asked. Jeremy nodded and got out his phone. He immediately called Damon.

       "Hello?" Damon answered while driving.

       "Elena passed out and she was bleeding so I took her to the hospital," Jeremy said instantly. Damon choked on air at the sudden reply and looked at Stefan, who was next to him.

       "You did what?!" Damon shouted.

       "I took her to the hospital. When you find your sister unconscious, you call 911," Jeremy said sarcastically.

       "Not when you have a parade of vampires at your disposal. Where's Audrey?" Damon questioned worriedly.

       "Here with me," Jeremy answered.

       "Get them out of there immediately. Alaric could come at any moment to kill Audrey and every Original is going to want Elena dead now," Stefan explained into the phone.

       "Meredith said I should keep her here for observation," Jeremy reasoned.

       "Jeremy, get Elena and Audrey home, we're on our way," Damon stated before hanging up. Jeremy rolled his eyes but did as told. He called Caroline, who showed up immediately, and carried Elena home. Matt and Tyler met them at the Gilbert house to help, but what was there to do? Caroline carefully helped Elena to the couch.

       "I'm fine. I just...I want something to eat first," Elena said tiredly.

       "We're on it, as soon as we make sure no one is lurking in the closets," Tyler said as him and Matt walked upstairs cautiously. Audrey sighed and sat beside her sister on the couch.

       "Hey, tell your boyfriend I said thanks by the way," Caroline said to Audrey. "I'd be dead if it weren't for him,"

       "See, he can be a decent person sometimes," Audrey smiled. "He wants me to runaway with him tonight, but I don't want to leave you guys,"

       "I don't want you to leave either, but maybe it's for the best," Caroline sighed. "Alaric is hell bent on killing you, Audrey. I mean, I want you here but I can't protect you. None of us can, and I want you alive. Klaus is your best chance when it comes to protection," Audrey looked down and thought about it. Caroline had a point, but everything was moving too fast. Her and Klaus hadn't even established a relationship yet.

       "It's all happening too fast and I don't know what to do," Audrey confessed. "I know going with Klaus is my best bet, but...what if I never see you guys again?"

       "Please, that'd never happen. I'd hunt you down myself," Caroline smiled.

       "Audrey, you should go," Elena mumbled out. "I don't want to lose you either. You're my baby sister, which means I need to protect you. You need to go with Klaus," Audrey blinked a few times and felt tears surfacing.

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