Can You Feel My Heart

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"Kol! Knock it off you crazy lunatic!" Audrey growled at the Original. "I don't even know why you're here! I know Klaus told you to leave Jeremy alone," Kol smirked and smacked Damon with the bat again.

"True, but he called me and told me that I have to protect you now," Kol chuckled. "Besides, I've wanted to get my revenge on this smug bastard ever since the night of the ball," Audrey was too shocked by his words to come up with something smart to spat back. Kol went to hit Damon again but Damon reacted quickly and grabbed the broken wooden bat, stabbing Kol in the chest with it. Kol with to the ground with a loud thud.

"Did you kill him?" Jeremy asked cautiously.

"No, but it'll give us a head start. Okay, come on," Damon groaned grabbing Elena. Jeremy grabbed Audrey and together all four of them fled from the park. As they drove to the motel outside of town Jeremy broke the silence.

"Why did Kol say that Klaus wanted him there to protect you?" Jeremy asked his sister. Audrey blinked and thought of a way to answer his question.

"Um...well you see, Klaus and I are sort of together," The moment she said it she wanted to facepalm.

"What?!" Jeremy screamed.

"When I was born, Esther, Klaus's mother, linked mine and Klaus's souls. I was literally created for the sole purpose of being with Klaus and changing him. I represent his humanity I guess," Audrey explained. "I know it sounds bad but there's nothing I can do about it,"

Jeremy was quiet for a moment before responding. "So, you have to be with him,"

"Basically," Audrey grumbled. "But right now I want nothing to do with him. He was using your life as leverage over our friends. Can you believe that? Not to mention he tried using our soulmate bond to justify it,"

"It's Klaus. What did you expect?" Damon questioned from the driver's seat.

"You didn't see the side of him that I saw. I really thought he would change," Audrey mumbled.

"Hopefully he does," Jeremy chimed in. "Do you realize how amazing it would be if Klaus left all of us alone because he's so in love with our sister?" Audrey smiled at her brother's enthusiasm. "We would finally be free,"

"I never thought of it like that," Elena sighed.

"Of course you didn't," Audrey stated, rolling her eyes. Though she said she forgave her sister, she still harbored some hurt feelings.

"It does solve the whole, if Klaus dies you die," Damon chuckled.

"It took you two this long to realize this?" Audrey asked. "Hats off to the two geniuses in the front!"

"Audrey," Elena huffed with defeat. "We already apologized," Audrey scoffed quietly and leaned back in her seat. Jeremy patted his sister's back and offered her a smile. Once all of them reached the hotel they rushed to unpack.

"For the record, she's the one who wanted to stay in a motel, not me," Damon said motioning towards Elena as they walked into the room.

"So, where are we?" Jeremy asked curiously.

"The corner of somewhere and nowhere. Kol won't be able to find us here," Damon answered with a sarcastic smile.

"I can't believe Kol was a vampire," Jeremy muttered, still in shock.

"Well, didn't you find it weird that you made a friend so fast? Have you met you?" Damon questioned earning a smack from Audrey.

"Not helping," The human girl growled out.

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