All I Need

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-Warning: Slightly Smutty!!! Please do not read if you feel uncomfortable reading stuff like that. Otherwise enjoy :)

I love you.

         Klaus froze completely. Had she actually just said those words? He finally got himself together and finished pulling off his shirt. He stared down at her but didn't say anything. "I love you," She said again. Klaus wanted to say it back, but how could he if he's never felt love before? He knew that what he felt for Audrey was something brilliant and pure, but was it love? Audrey saw his troubled face and gently placed her hand against his chest. "It's okay. You don't have to say it back if you're not ready," Klaus smiled but didn't say anything as he swooped down to capture her lips with his. Everything felt right in that moment. Both of them were too strung out on the adrenaline of almost losing each other that they didn't think and just acted on impulse. Klaus kissed down her jaw and neck until he reached her collar bone. He smirked against her skin when he heard her thundering heartbeat. He worked his way down to her jeans and ever so slowly he unbuttoned them and pulled them down her legs. She felt like she couldn't catch her breath. The way his breath was hitting her skin made goosebumps erupt all over her. He kissed her hipbone and she bucked slightly. "Klaus I'm...I've never done this before," She admitted embarrassingly.

        "I know, love," Klaus replied. "I'll take care of you,"

        "Niklaus!" Elijah called out loudly. Audrey froze while Klaus continued his assault on her skin, unbothered by his brother's presence. "Klaus!"

        "Klaus, stop," Audrey finally managed to breathe out.

        "Elijah will leave eventu-," He was cut off mid sentence by a knock at the door.

        "I know you're in there, Niklaus," Elijah chuckled. "Detach yourself from Audrey for one moment so we can speak. It's important," Klaus groaned with annoyance while Audrey was still in shock. She couldn't comprehend that Elijah had actually interrupted them. Klaus climbed off the bed and angrily stepped outside of the room. Audrey eventually composed herself and slipped on Klaus's shirt. The moment was ruined and she didn't expect it to flare again after being humiliated like that. As she stepped out of the room she couldn't find Elijah or Klaus so she ventured down to the kitchen. She was in the middle of making herself food when two arms wrapped around her waist.

        "That was a quick talk," Audrey giggled.

       "It wasn't anything I cared to know, really," Klaus hummed into her neck. "Want to go back upstairs?"

        "Yeah, no. Elijah kind of ruined it for me," Audrey smiled, turning in Klaus's arms to face him. He playfully pouted at her before burying his face into her neck.

        "I bet I could change your mind, love," Klaus whispered sensually against her skin. Goosebumps immediately rose and Audrey could feel her legs tremble slightly.

        "I don't doubt it," She whispered biting her lip. "But, I should probably go check on Elena," Klaus snorted as though she told him an amusing joke. "What?"

        "You really think I'm letting you anywhere near your newly turned sister who has yet to control her thirst?" Klaus asked cocking an eyebrow. "She'd tear your throat open within two seconds,"

        "Elena's my sister. She'd never hurt me," Audrey frowned defensively.

        "You don't know how powerful the urge to feed is when you're hungry, love. Even though she's your sister, she still wouldn't be able to control herself," Klaus explained. Audrey rolled her eyes at her soulmate and nudged him off of her.

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